- boilerplate
- ???
- (and cute http.cat error pages)
wsl --install -d Ubuntu
winget install Docker.DockerDesktop -h
# install docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker; exit
Due to possible issues with several packages, which haven't builds for linux aarch64, you can use buildx
COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 docker-compose up -d --build {issued-service}
docker-compose up -d --build {other-services}
Copy .env.example
to .env
and change settings
docker compose up -d --build
docker compose -f compose.prod.yaml up -d --build
mv fastapi-react-boilerplate.code-workspace your-project-name.code-workspace
- port new things
- https://tanstack.com/router/latest/docs/framework/react/guide/external-data-loading#a-more-realistic-example-using-tanstack-query
- example usage
- dayjs
- react-query
- tanstack-table
- styled typography and theming
- to project
- BACKEND_URL env var
- remove App.css
- ts models from backend
- OpenAPI object
- task to generate models from backend ?
- zod ?
- discuss
- react-query enough as state manager or use effector (or what) ?
- https://github.com/lukemorales/query-key-factory
- other
- move 404's to cruds
- cruds is repository now?
- alembic ruff only fixes, not formatting
- fix return casting
# type: ignore
- SQLAlchemy 2.0
- pydantic.dataclasses.dataclass fix
- relation model examples
- onupdate timestamps
- hide docs in prod (None to docs and openapi schema)
- form-multipart test
- gunicorn (and maybe uvicorn.error and watchdog) sqla alembic structlogs
- uv
- ruff
- wemake-python-styleguide
- --proxy-headers https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/deployment/docker/#behind-a-tls-termination-proxy
- other nginx configurations from uvicorn docs
- better nginx location sctucture (global fastapi location)
- other nginx configurations from uvicorn docs
- move 404's to cruds
- arch related
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/changelog/migration_20.html#migration-20-step-six
- errors
- rewrite status codes to status consts
- conflicts with current errors to schema solution
- make own solution
- conflicts with current errors to schema solution
- rewrite status codes to status consts
- remake structure to more convinient usage
- make schema autogeneration from models
- basic cases only (user is very unusual for example)
- how to remove fields when inherit pydantic models
- make schema autogeneration from models
- file structure from src/main to src/app/main ?
- libs related
- fastapi-responses is outdated
- pendulium
- apscheduler 4
- https://github.com/faust-streaming/faust
- https://github.com/airtai/faststream
- https://github.com/reagento/dishka
- uuid7
- tasks for database backup and restore
- file serving example
- nginx serve static files
- max filesize deps for FastAPI
- nginx client_max_body_size 100M;
- update && fix compose.debug.yaml
- backend
- frontend
- docker secrets
- prod related
- docker swarm config ?
- k8s config ?
- make different image names (or tags) for different compose files
- https://florian-kromer.medium.com/fastapi-microservice-patterns-3052c1241019
- https://stribny.name/blog/fastapi-production/
- Add CI/CD example
- github and/or gitlab ?
- what and how?
- tests/lints/checks
- deploys
- docker builds?
- nginx to traefik ?
- https is easier in traefik
- https://containers.dev
- examples
- vscode workspace
- recommended extensions
- tasks
- .env file parse (use script for that)
- openapi schema based mock filler
- move backend/frotnend specific to own folders
- (don't move tasks needed for dev mode)
- ./backend#on-ubuntu
- add bedian (asdf or pyenv)
- debug mode docs