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Ilario Gelmetti edited this page Jun 19, 2018 · 1 revision

There are a number of procedures in the DrIFtFUSION package - here is a brief overview of what they do:

  1. pinParams: Here, the user defines the parameters for the simulation e.g. layer thickness, mobilities etc. The output is a parameters structure.

  2. pindrift: This is the core procedure which calls the MATLAB PDEPE. The continuity, transport equations, boundary conditions, and initial conditions can all be accessed and modified here.

  3. pinAna: Takes the solution from pindrift, or a user input solution, and outputs calculated values for V OC , currents etc.

  4. meshgen_x : Generates the position mesh

  5. meshgen_t: Generates the time mesh

  6. symmetricise: Generates a mirrored cell solution for open circuit. conditions used the equilibrium solution from closed circuit boundary conditions (BCs)

  7. mobsetfun: A function for quickly switching on and off mobilities

  8. equilibrate: Runs the solver multiple times from analytical solutions to generate open and closed equilibrium solutions.

  9. doJV: Uses the closed circuit equilibrium solutions to run current voltage scans

  10. doTPV: Uses the open circuit equilibrium solutions to perform a transient photovoltage measurement

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