The Ion Project is a project containing Proton, Neutron, Electron and Photon. These are created using Skript 2.2 and skQuery only, I try to stay away from other addons.
Ion is a recreation of Essentials, within Skript 2.2 & skQuery. It contains features such as /vanish, /tp, /tpcoords, and many more.
Ion is split-up into (currently) 4 Separate modules.
- Proton currently contains 95% of all commands within Ion
- Neutron is the Chat Manager of Ion. Still in the works, but currently allows player's with the permission to create chat groups and add people to them
- Electron is an economy system. A fairly straight-forward system with /pay and /balance.
- Photon is the newest module (As of v1.3) that is a replacer for some Minecraft Vanilla commands, like /gamerule. There are now per-world settings by using the /worldSettings and aswell /globalSettings