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MTK adjustments
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jasonjensen committed Jul 17, 2024
1 parent 1744542 commit 1f1bf1d
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Showing 8 changed files with 623 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ jobs:

julia-version: ["1.7", "1.8", "1.9"]
julia-version: ["1.10"]
julia-arch: [x64]
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macOS-latest]

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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ Suppressor = "fd094767-a336-5f1f-9728-57cf17d0bbfb"
TimeSeriesEcon = "8b6756d2-c55c-11ea-2998-5f67ea17da60"
TimerOutputs = "a759f4b9-e2f1-59dc-863e-4aeb61b1ea8f"

ModelingToolkit = "961ee093-0014-501f-94e3-6117800e7a78"

StateSpaceEconMTKExt = "ModelingToolkit"

DelimitedFiles = "1.7"
DiffResults = "1.0"
Expand All @@ -36,8 +42,11 @@ julia = "1.7"
DelimitedFiles = "8bb1440f-4735-579b-a4ab-409b98df4dab"
JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819"
ModelingToolkit = "961ee093-0014-501f-94e3-6117800e7a78"
NonlinearSolve = "8913a72c-1f9b-4ce2-8d82-65094dcecaec"
Suppressor = "fd094767-a336-5f1f-9728-57cf17d0bbfb"
SymbolicIndexingInterface = "2efcf032-c050-4f8e-a9bb-153293bab1f5"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test"]
test = ["Test", "ModelingToolkit", "SymbolicIndexingInterface", "NonlinearSolve"]
268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions ext/StateSpaceEconMTKExt.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
module StateSpaceEconMTKExt

using ModelBaseEcon, StateSpaceEcon, ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit.SciMLBase: solve, AbstractSolution
using StateSpaceEcon.StackedTimeSolver: StackedTimeSolverData
using StateSpaceEcon.SteadyStateSolver: SolverData as SteadyStateSolverData
using TimeSeriesEcon: rangeof, MVTSeries
import StateSpaceEcon.MTKExt:

# Note: Unfortunately, Documenter.jl seems not to include docstrings from package extensions.
# (At least it's not obvious how to do so.)
# As a result, the docstrings for the following methods live in `../src/MTKExt.jl`.

# Stacked time system

function stacked_time_system(m::Model, exog_data::AbstractArray{Float64,2}; fctype = fcgiven, plan::Plan=Plan(m, 1+m.maxlag:size(exog_data, 1)-m.maxlead))

data = zeroarray(m, plan)
data[plan.exogenous .== true] = exog_data[plan.exogenous .== true]
data[1:m.maxlag, :] = exog_data[1:m.maxlag, :] # Initial conditions
if fctype === fcgiven
data[end-m.maxlead+1:end, :] = exog_data[end-m.maxlead+1:end, :] # Final conditions

# TODO: Should other variants be accepted, or is `:default` sufficient?
sd = StackedTimeSolverData(m, plan, fctype, :default)

return stacked_time_system(sd, data)


function stacked_time_system(sd::StackedTimeSolverData, data::AbstractArray{Float64,2})

f = let sd = sd, data = data
(u, p) -> compute_residuals_stacked_time(u, sd, data)

# Since we are just creating a MTK system out of the `NonlinearProblem`,
# the `u0` we specify here is not actually used for solving the system.
u0 = zeros(count(sd.solve_mask))
prob = NonlinearProblem(f, u0)
s = _create_system(prob, sd)
s.defaults[:data_in] = data # hack to pass along the data to be used when constructing an MVTSeries

return s


function compute_residuals_stacked_time(u, sd::StackedTimeSolverData, data::AbstractArray{Float64,2})

# We need to use `zeros` instead of `similar` because `assign_exog_data!`
# doesn't assign final conditions for the shocks.
point = zeros(eltype(u), size(data))
point[sd.solve_mask] = u
# Note: `assign_exog_data!` assigns both exogenous data (including initial conditions) *and* final conditions.
StateSpaceEcon.StackedTimeSolver.assign_exog_data!(point, data, sd)

# Emulate `StackedTimeSolver.stackedtime_R!`, computing the residual
# for each equation at each simulation period.
resid = map(sd.TT[1:length(sd.II)]) do tt
# `tt` grabs all the data from `point` for the current simulation period, lags, and leads (e.g., `tt = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]`).
# The last value of `tt` contains the indices for just the leads (e.g., `tt = [100, 101, 102]`)
# (but we don't use it in this loop).
p = view(point, tt, :)
med = sd.evaldata
map(med.alleqns, med.allinds) do eqn, inds

return vcat(resid...)


function _create_system(prob::NonlinearProblem, sd::StackedTimeSolverData)

# Convert `prob` into a ModelingToolkit system.
@named old_sys = modelingtoolkitize(prob)

# `modelingtoolkitize` creates a system with automatically generated variable names
# `x₁`, `x₂`, etc.
# Rename the variables to make it easier to query the solution to problems
# created from this system.
sys = rename_variables(old_sys, sd)

# We need `conservative = true` to prevent errors in `structural_simplify`.
s = structural_simplify(complete(sys); conservative = true)

return s


function rename_variables(old_sys::NonlinearSystem, sd::StackedTimeSolverData)

# reshape the solve_mask
solve_mask = reshape(sd.solve_mask, :, maximum(last, sd.evaldata.var_to_idx))

# Find all column indices of columns that have at least one `true`.
var_cols = vec(mapslices(any, solve_mask; dims = 1)) |> findall

# Convert from column indices to variable/shock names.
var_names = map(var_cols) do i
findfirst(p -> last(p) == i, sd.evaldata.var_to_idx)

var_lengths = Dict{Symbol,Int64}()
col_count = 1
for col in var_cols
var_lengths[var_names[col_count]] = count(solve_mask[:, col])
col_count += 1

# For each model variable, create a ModelingToolkit variable vector
# with the correct number of time steps.
# `vars` will end up being, e.g., `[pinf[1:97], rate[1:97], ygap[1:97]]`.
vars = map(var_names) do var_name
NE = var_lengths[var_name]
ModelingToolkit.@variables $(var_name)[1:NE]
end |> x -> reduce(vcat, x)

# Collect all the individual variables to enable substituting the variable names
# that were automatically generated by `modelingtoolkitize`.
# `vars_enumerated` will end up being, e.g., `[pinf[1], pinf[2], ..., ygap[97]]`.
vars_enumerated = reduce(vcat, map(collect, vars))
old_vars = unknowns(old_sys)
subs = Dict(old_vars .=> vars_enumerated)

# Take all the equations from `old_sys`, rename the variables,
# and create a new system with the new variable names.
eqs = substitute.(ModelingToolkit.equations(old_sys), Ref(subs))
@named sys = NonlinearSystem(eqs, vars_enumerated, [])

return sys


function get_var_names(sd)

# Reshape the solve mask to have a column for each variable/shock.
solve_mask = reshape(sd.solve_mask, :, maximum(last, sd.evaldata.var_to_idx))
# Find all column indices of columns that have at least one `true`.
var_cols = vec(mapslices(any, solve_mask; dims = 1)) |> findall
# Convert from column indices to variable/shock names.
var_names = map(var_cols) do i
findfirst(p -> last(p) == i, sd.evaldata.var_to_idx)

return var_names


# Steady state system

function solve_steady_state!(m::Model, sys::NonlinearSystem; u0 = zeros(length(unknowns(sys))), solver = nothing, solve_kwargs...)

# Creating a `NonlinearProblem` from a `NonlinearFunction` seems to be faster
# than creating a `NonlinearProblem` directly from a `NonlinearSystem`.
nf = NonlinearFunction(sys)
prob = NonlinearProblem(nf, u0)
sol = isnothing(solver) ? solve(prob; solve_kwargs...) : solve(prob, solver; solve_kwargs...)

# Copy the steady state solution to the model.
m.sstate.values[.!m.sstate.mask] = sol.u
# Mark the steady state as solved.
m.sstate.mask .= true

return m


steady_state_system(m::Model) = steady_state_system(SteadyStateSolverData(m))

function steady_state_system(sd::SteadyStateSolverData)

f = let sd = sd
(u, p) -> compute_residuals_steady_state(u, sd)

# Since we are just creating a MTK system out of the `NonlinearProblem`,
# the `u0` we specify here is not actually used for solving the system.
u0 = zeros(count(sd.solve_var))
prob = NonlinearProblem(f, u0)
@named sys = modelingtoolkitize(prob)
s = complete(sys)

return s


# `ModelBaseEcon.__to_dyn_pt` doesn't work with automatic differentiation,
# so copy it here to allow passing in an apropriately typed `buffer`.
# TODO: Should this method be added directly to ModelBaseEcon.jl?
function __to_dyn_pt!(buffer, pt, s)
# This function applies the transformation from steady
# state equation unknowns to dynamic equation unknowns
for (i, jt) in enumerate(s.JT)
if length(jt.ssinds) == 1
pti = pt[jt.ssinds[1]]
pti = pt[jt.ssinds[1]] + ModelBaseEcon.__lag(jt, s) * pt[jt.ssinds[2]]
buffer[i] += pti
return buffer

function compute_residuals_steady_state(u, sd)

# `point` needs to contain the levels and slopes for all variables and shocks,
# but these values are all zero except for those included in `u`.
point = zeros(eltype(u), length(sd.solve_var))
point[sd.solve_var] = u

# Emulate `SteadyStateSolver.global_SS_R!`, computing the residual for each equation.
resid = map(sd.alleqns) do eqn
if hasproperty(eqn.eval_resid, :s)
# `eqn.eval_resid` closes over `s::SSEqData`.
# There's no function to create just `s`, so just grab it from the closure.
s = eqn.eval_resid.s
buffer = zeros(eltype(u), length(s.JT))
s.eqn.eval_resid(__to_dyn_pt!(buffer, point[eqn.vinds], s))
# `eqn.eval_resid` is an `EquationEvaluator` (not a closure)
# that computes the residual for an equation defined by a steady state constraint.

return resid


function sol2data(sol::AbstractSolution, s::ModelingToolkit.AbstractSystem, m::Model, p::Plan)
rng = rangeof(p)

# get endogenous points
_result = ModelingToolkit.SymbolicIndexingInterface.getu(sol,
reduce(vcat, map(collect, map(var -> hasproperty(s, ? getproperty(s, : [], m.varshks)))
)(sol) # is this a fair assumption, that we will get back the variables?

# get mask for endogenous points
mask = p.exogenous .== false
mask[begin:begin+m.maxlag-1, :] .= false # initial conditions
mask[end-m.maxlead+1:end, :] .= false # final conditions

# construct results from exogenous data
result = MVTSeries(rng, m.varshks, s.defaults[:data_in])

# update endogenous points
result[mask] = _result

return result


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