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I am thrilled to announce that I am releasing my backend code and frontend code to the community as open source. This has been a long-time goal of mine and I am excited to see the impact it will have.

By making the code available to all, I am hoping to attract contributions from other developers that can help enhance the codebase. This will result in a stronger and more reliable code, as well as promote collaboration and creativity within the community.

I believe that this open source release will be a great step forward for the project and I can't wait to see what the community will create with it.

The Server

This is the code for the server side of

Weight For Reps is a training journal logging tool to help you keep track of your weight training. Mostly orientated towards Powerlifting/Weightlifting style of training.

The server runs in NodeJS as a GraphQL server but it is wrapped with Express so the potential to use it for other things is there but currently not used.

The Front-End comunicates with this server vía GraphQL calls to using Apollo GraphQL ( both client and server )

📰 Run dev environment

To setup a development database on your machine use docker. VS Code should detect the .devcontainer folder automatically. A notification will pop up, asking if you want to "Reopen in Container." Click on that option.

If you don’t see the notification, you can manually start the container by:

  • Going to the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS).
  • Typing and selecting "Dev Containers: Reopen in Container".

☕ Run local dev server

In VS Code you can go to "Run > run Dev" or "Run > Production" it will only serve to set the NODE_ENV environment variable to development or production

or vía NPM ( you will need to install NodeMon )

npm run dev

GraphQl > Then you can navigate to /graphql to access the graphql explorer & interact with the server as the front-end would do.

The code lives in the ./server folder. The code that handles the GraphQL is in ./server/db

If you are developing both backend and front end (or make changes to the schema), clone both repos into a folder and name each folder client and server. This is required because the server generates code when you make changes in the graphql schema and run npm run exportschema and goes one level up and expect a client folder to exist... these files will be dynamically created automatically:

  • generated---db-introspection.json
  • generated---db-types-and-hooks.tsx

⚠️ Files you need !

  • firebase-adminsdk-credentials.js you will need to create & place this file inside of server with a firebase account.

🌐 SBD Rank

This is the data used in the SBD World Rank setion of the site.

To update the SBD rank data run npm run update-sbd-rank that will download the latest ZIP from openpowerlifting, process it and store the resulting data in server/db/resolvers/sbd-stats.js after that is done, that's all there is to it... the server should be re-run and the new data will be used.

Note: it will take a while to process...

📡 Official Exercises

They are hard-coded in server/utils/ename2type.js These are the exercises that the site "understands" and adds them to the community stats.

🏆 How to contribute?

If you would like to contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the weightxreps-server repository.
  2. Create a new branch in your fork to make your changes.
  3. Commit your changes to your new branch.
  4. Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.
  5. Submit a pull request from your branch to the weightxreps-server repository.

I will review your pull request and, if everything looks good, merge it into the main codebase.


If you have any questions about contributing, feel free to open an issue in the weightxreps-server repository and ask.

♥️ Support / Donate

If you have a account log in and go to the donations page

If you want to donate directly, my paypal is [email protected]