A command line utility to build react native apps created using WaveMaker product.
The main goal of wm-reactnative-cli is to simplify generation of APK or IPA for WaveMaker developers. wm-reactnative-cli
combines multiple react-native commands into a single command. First, one has to make sure all the required hardware and software are available and installed. Then execute the command with the appropriate values for arguments.
- Linux or MAC or Windows
- Node 12.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v12.22.0/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download)
- Java 8
- Yarn
- Gradle 6 (https://gradle.org/releases/)
- Expo cli 4.7.3 (npm install -g [email protected])
- react-native 0.63.4 (npm install -g [email protected])
- Make sure JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_SDK and GRADLE_HOME are set in the environment variables and also in PATH.
wm-reactnative android <src_dir> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
src_dir | DEFAULT: current working directory. Path to the reactnative zip (or) path to the reactnative project folder. |
--appId: application id. | |
--localrnruntimepath | OPTIONAL: local app-rn-runtime path |
--dest | OPTIONAL: directory where the app has to be copied and built. If it is not specified then .wm-reactnative-cli folder inside the home directory, will contain the build folders |
--auto-eject | OPTIONAL: On setting this flag to true, expo eject will be invoke automatically. |
--aKeyStore | Absolute path of the key store. If keystore is not given then android debug key is used. |
--aStorePassword | Password to key store |
--aKeyAlias | Alias name of the key |
--aKeyPassword | Key Password |
--packageType | DEFAULT: development development or production Use ‘production’ with keystore specified. |
wm-reactnative build android "/path/to/src" --appId="app_id"
wm-cordova build android "/path/to/src" \
--dest="/path/to/dest" \
--aKeyStore="/path/to/file.keystore" \
--aStorePassword="store_password" \
--aKeyAlias="key_alias_name" \
--aKeyPassword="key" \
- MAC machine
- Latest XCODE
- CocoaPods (https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html#toc_3)
- Node 10.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v10.18.0/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download/mac)
- Yarn
- Expo cli 4.7.3 (npm install -g [email protected])
- react-native 0.63.4 (npm install -g [email protected])
- Apple developer or distribution P12 certificates
- Provisioning profile
- Install wm-reactnative-cli (npm install -g @wavemaker/wm-reactnative-cli)
- For development build, development certificate and development provisioning file are required.
- For production build, distribution certificate and distribution provisioning file are required.
NOTE: Before building an app, please make sure that neither iPhone nor iPad is not connected to Mac. This is open issue on cordova-ios.
wm-reactnative build ios <src_dir> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
src_dir | DEFAULT: current working directory. Path to the cordova zip (or) path to the cordova project folder. |
--appId: application id. | |
--localrnruntimepath | OPTIONAL: local app-rn-runtime path |
--dest | OPTIONAL: directory where the app has to be copied and built. If it is not specified then .wm-reactnative-cli folder inside the home directory, will contain the build folders |
--auto-eject | OPTIONAL: On setting this flag to true, expo eject will be invoke automatically. |
--iCertificate | Absolute path of P12 certificate location |
--iCertificatePassword | Password to unlock the certificate. |
--iProvisioningFile | Absolute path of provisioning file |
--iCodeSigningIdentity | Signing certificate name in keychain access |
--packageType | DEFAULT: development development or production Use ‘production’ with an AppStore distribution certificate. |
wm-cordova build ios "/path/to/src" \
--iCertificate="/path/to/distribution.p12" \
--iCertificatePassword="unlock_password" \
--iProvisioningFile="/path/to/profile.mobileprovision" \
--iCodeSigningIdentity="certificate name in keychain access" \
- Destination folder path is logged at the start of the build.
- Build log files are present at <destination_folder>/output/logs
- The artifact built is available at <destination_folder>/output/<platform_type>/. The complete path is printed in log also.