Symfony Bundle eZObjectWrapperBundle for eZ Publish 5 development eZ 5.3).
version 1.0 24/10/2014
Developed in Kaliop's team.
This bundle offer a simple model to encapsulate location and content for eZPublish 5 development. It provide a factory to build eZObjectWrapper and extended classes. eZObjectWrapper provide a lazy-loading method to fetch content. Extended classes can offer method to fetch secondary contents without overloading main controller and creating new kernel request. Extended classes are built via a class_mapping in parameters.yml
It also provide a Twig function, nammed renderLocation, wich use the ViewController as a service, and did not relaunch the Symfony kernel, for more efficiency.
To build eZObjectWrapper : get the service : $factory = $this->container->get(''); build : $factory->buildeZObjectWrapper($location); buildeZObjectWrapper can accept Location or locationID as parameter.
Class mapping : parameters: class_mapping: content_identifier: \myGreat\BundleBundle\eZObjectWrapper\ClassesExtendingeZObjectWrapper
renderLocation : {{ renderLocation(locationId, 'view_type', { ezObjectWrapper : myObject }) |raw }}
call method or attribute from eZObjectWrapper in Twig : {{ ez_field_value(ezObjectWrapper.content, 'title') }}
Clone this repository under src/ezobject. In EzPublishKernel.php, ad the following line in the method "registerBundles()" : new ezobject\WrapperBundle\eZObjectWrapperBundle(),
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]