Quick references:
- http://www.fifi.org/doc/debconf-doc/tutorial.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debconf_%28software_package%29
In this article, Debconf means the backend database containing users' configurations; debconf means SW utilities used to communicating with Debconf.
Debconf is a backend database, with a frontend that talks to it and presents an interface to the user. Debconf should be used whenever your package needs to output something to the user, or ask a question.
user <--> frontend <--> database
.-- a special config script in the control section
| (debian package)
|-- postinst scripts
`-- other scripts
- These scripts tell the frontend what values they need from the database.
- The frontend asks the user questions to get those values if they aren't set.
debconf does not physically configure any packages, but provides a way for users to communicate with Debconf. Users' answers to the configuration questions asked by debconf are cached in Debconf.
Debianization files
- .template
- Contains questions.
- .conf
- A kind of maintainer script and uses Debconf to ask questions.
- Is executed before the package is unpacked.
- .postinst
- Applies configuration changes to the unpacked package.
Debconf consists of the files in /var/cache/debconf/:
- templates.dat
- config.dat
- passwords.dat
creates a bridge to fronend
provides db_* functions for conf script so that user can communicate with frontend?
It seems to communicate with Debconf directly via the Debconf protocol channel prepared by frontend.
source exec
config script <--> confmodule <--> /usr/share/debconf/frontend <--> Debconf ^ | `----------------------------------------- run a new copy (not fork)
After confmoudle is sourced, FD3 is directed to FD1, and then FD1 is directed to FD2.
FD1 .
FD2 `-> stderr
FD3 --> stdout (Debconf protocol channel)
The design concepts behind might be:
- Commands of Debconf protocol is transtitted via stdout.
- It is likely that a maintainer tries to display messages via stdout script, but these messages will be treated as Debconf commands. To prevent this issue, messages displayed via echo/printf will be directed to stderr by default.
- To transmit a Debconf command, you need to send it to FD3 which is directed to stdout.
- Luckily, confmodule provides wrapper functions to send Debconf commands easily.
_db_cmd() in confmodule uses FD3 to communicate with Debconf
Debconf uses 2 rules to find the templates file associated with the config script:
- Assume the config script's name is foo.conf.
- Search foo.conf.templates file.
- Search foo.templates.
Unfortunately, I got these errors on Ubuntu Precise... (confirmed that this issue does not exist on Debian Jessie):
$ sudo bash ./config
Can't exec "./config": Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.14/IPC/Open3.pm line 186.
open2: exec of ./config failed at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/ConfModule.pm line 59
# debconf database is not updated?
$ sudo apt-get purge hello
$ echo "PURGE" | sudo debconf-communicate hello
$ sudo debconf-show hello
$ echo "GET hello/password" | sudo debconf-communicate hello
0 qwaszx
- debconf-communicate
- Interact with Debconf.
- For supported commands, please refer to the SPECIFICATION section.
- debconf-set-selections:
- debconf-show
- List items (questions and values) owned by a given package.
- debconf
- run a debconf-using program
- debconf-apt-progress
- install packages using debconf to display a progress bar
- debconf-copydb
- debconf-escape
- Helper when working with debconf's escape capability.
- dpkg-reconfigure
- let user to modify configurations of installed packages.
- dpkg-preconfigure
- debconf-communicate
- debconf-updatepo
- debconf-gettextize
- debconf-get
Information in this paragraph is just my personal understanding and is likely not correct. I really appreciate it if you find any error and share the correct information with me.
- Prepare questions (template file).
- Ask user these questions and store answers into Debconf (config script).
- Used to configurate Debconf, is this the reason why config script is called config script?
- Apply user's answers to the program (postinst script).
http://feeding.cloud.geek.nz/posts/manipulating-debconf-settings-on/ https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2014/10/msg00177.html https://lintian.debian.org/tags/debconf-is-not-a-registry.html http://lwn.net/Articles/100107/
- Front-end independence and configurability levels are well-thought-out to provide various options to customize the balance of ease-of-use vs. detailed control.
Configuration management protocol, v2.1
- owner
- Generally an "owner" is equivalent to a debian package name.