TooltipsQueue is a simple library for display items/tooltips one by one on the screen. You will not find any UI here, so it's up to you how do you want to display item on the screen(you can use any tooltip library)
This library perfectly fits your needs when you have some order of tooltips and you want to show it one by one and you don't want to show multiple tooltips at the same time. And it is easily extandable to add tooltips dynamically in runtime. Also you can easily split logic related to showing this items to the different presenters. With such approach you can write new code without touching old one and be sure, that everything works.
- Always show only one tooltip on the screen
- Stops queue in background and hides current tooltip
- Doesn't have any UI, so it's up to you how to show tooltips
- Split logic between multiple presenters
- Dynamically adding tooltips in runtime
- You can easily manage process/activity death
- You can show any complex animations, and it will not break rule of showing one tooltip on the screen.
- You can manage onBackPressed to hide currently showing tooltip
- You should call start/stop method on queue during activity lifecycle events, so queue will be able to stop showing tooltips in background.
override fun onStart() { super.onStart() queue.start() } override fun onStop() { super.onStop() queue.stop() }
- You should add to queue tooltips(you can do this in started/stopped state it doesn't really matter):
queue.add(LowPriorityTooltip()) queue.add(HighPriorityTooltip())
- You need to subscribe to showing tooltips and show, when you receive specific type from queue:
We will talk about
queue.onShow().subscribe { when (it) { is HighPriorityTooltip -> showHighPriorityTooltip() is LowPriorityTooltip -> showLowPriorityTooltip() EmptyTooltip -> tooltip?.dismiss() }
a little bit later. - After dismissing tooltip you should always notify queue that you processed with showing current one and now ready to process next items. So it mostly will look like:
Or something similar. Don't forget to do this, otherwise queue will not post any new tooltips.
.onDismissListener { queue.remove() }
Basically that's all you need to know to work with TooltipsQueue
in simplest way. Your tooltips will be shown one by one, queue will be stopped during going in background, and you can have any fancy animations that you want. But let's discuss what else you can do with the library.
interface Tooltip {
val priority: Int
val delayMillis: Long
You will see more high priority tooltip earlier than low priority one. So it is main rule and for example if you are showing now low priority tooltip and adding to queue highPriority one, than current one will be hidden and placed back in the queue, and highPriority will be shown immediately. Because of that you must hide currently shown tooltips in case of receiving EmptyTooltip
field is responsible for having gap between starting processing tooltip and actual showing. Imagine, that you want to show tooltip, only if user was staying on this screen at least 3 minutes. Important thing, that queue have only one timer for tooltip, that is on top. It means, that if for example delay is 3 minutes, but in the middle of waiting you received and show more high priority one -> timer will than start again and will wait 3 minutes. The same for example if user will hide current activity.
- it is special kind of Tooltip
interface and his main responsibility -> notify you, to hide currently shown tooltip if you have such. It can happen when user hides activity to background, or more high priority posted during showing of low priority.
Let's discuss other queue methods, that can be useful.
fun add(vararg tooltips: Tooltip)
You can add one, or multiple tooltips, and you can do this when queue is paused or running.
fun remove(tooltip: Class<out Tooltip>? = null)
You should always notify queue, when you hide tooltip from the screen. If you don't pass any parameter here by default we think that you removing tooltip from the head of the queue. But you can also remove tooltips from any part of the queue. For example you wanted to show tooltip about specific behaviour of your UI, but user was able to find it before tooltip has been shown. In such case you should pass what kind you want to remove from the queue. Mostly all time you will use this method without parameters.
fun onBackPressed(): Boolean
You can use this method to emulate hiding tooltips when user press back button.
So if you call it, and currently we have tooltip on the screen -> EmptyTooltip
will be posted, and true
will be returned.
Be careful, because this method has side effects with EmptyTooltip
fun clear()
Removing all pending tooltips from the queue. Can be used when you need completely reinitialize your queue.
fun pendingTooltips(): List<Tooltip>
Returns all pending tooltips that were not shown.
You can use to save your tooltips inside bundle to handle activity death.
For example if your tooltips satisfy also Serializable
contract you can easily save and restore state:
interface SerializableTooltip: Tooltip, Serializable
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle, outPersistentState: PersistableBundle?) {
val queueState = ArrayList<SerializableTooltip>(queue.pendingTooltips().filterIsInstance<SerializableTooltip>())
outState.putSerializable("TOOLTIPS_KEY", queueState)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
savedInstanceState?.let {
val queueState = it.getSerializable(TOOLTIPS_EXTRA) as List<SerializableTooltip>
has additional strategy parameter. It can be used to get more customizations.
fun isChild(parent: Tooltip, child: Tooltip): Boolean
Tooltips can have (parent => child) relationships. If you add parent to the queue, than all his children
should be removed. For example you have specific order of tooltips to guide user to make an order.
User saw 2 from 3 of this tooltips. And during delay he made order by himself, without waiting for 3rd one.
You are showing to him congratulations tooltips and now it doesn't really make sense to show 3rd
introductory tooltip for him. So if you setup him as child it will be automatically removed from queue.
always return false for this method.
fun putInQueueDelayMillis(hided: Tooltip): Long?
If you are adding highPriority tooltip when lowPriority is showing than lowPriority will be hidden and
based on this function will be put in queue with specific delay.
You can skip adding it back to queue -> just return null here.
You can setup different delay for different kind of tooltips.
return 0 delay. So by default tooltip will be shown immediately after high priority will be hidden.