In this project we are going to start an APP and DB that will hold the recipes and menu from BLOSSH
Dan and Rob had decided to use MongoDB as their model for the DB
Raul wants us to have three entities:
- Users
- Recipes
- Menu
Will have two roles:
- Admin
- User
- User Info
- _id: objectId
- firstName: string
- lastName: string
- email: string
- password: string
- role: string
Admins will be loged in and authenticated by token. They can perform CRUD in both Recipes and Menu
Users won't need to be authenticated, but they'll only be able to read Recipes and menu
Collection will include:
- Recipes Info
- _id: objectId
- name: string
- ingridients: array[]
- _id: product id that will be the same as product collection. objectId
- name: string
- photo: string
- price: decimal (optional)
- photo: string
- preparation: string
In this stage of the DB, we'll just shhow the recipes and preparation to the menu.
Search engine. Need of discussion about the queries. Search for info with Algolia
In thge large run, we'll love to make it linked and related to stock and cost price
How many times do we cook grilled onions?. How many cakes we made this week?...
These questions mean to be answered in the menu collection. Here will show the menu from the restaurant and, at least the first stage of the
DB how many times a recipe has been used to do some of the items from the rest menu.
- menu Info
- _id: objectId
- name: string
- recipes: array[]
- _id: product id that will be the same as recipe collection. objectId
- nameRecipe: string
- photo: string
First stage:
Admins able to do both Recipes and Menus CRUD
Users able to read them
search engine in recipes and menu
When to cook the recipes
- Planning 🚴♂️
- Work Done 🎟️
- What has been done?
- Blocks ⏬
- Issues that can affect to everyone
- News 📰
- Things that we do for love 🤎
Optional fields in TypeScript thanks to StackOverFlow
npm install --save @nestjs/typeorm typeorm @nestjs/config mongodb
Dan and I are working together in this project. Git commands that we highly recommend to work in a team
One repository
Pick Up one of the profiles and open just one repository.
One main | master
One main or master branch. Is the anchor of the project. Once the repository is created, clone it into your computer
> git clone htttps://github/<name Of Organization>/<name of the repository>.git
- As MANY branches requiered
Now you can check how everything is doing into your computer
> git status
To see local branches
> git branch
To see remote branches
> git branch -r
Create new Branch
git checkout -b my_new_branch_name
To work with your new branch
> git checkout my_new_branch_name
Your new branch is not yet working in remote
To push your my_new_branch_name to the remote repository
> git push -u origin my_new_branch_name
> git push -u origin HEAD
*Get and work with remote branches
Get all branches from remote
> git fetch origin
check if you have the branches from remote
> git branch -v -a
main 5ac0dbc Update
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/main
remotes/origin/dev-dan cbb15fe :art: Working version
remotes/origin/dev-rob cf50e24 dev-rob
remotes/origin/homeWork d23d7a2 check mail work in userService
remotes/origin/main 5ac0dbc Update
to work in local with the remote branch
> git checkout -b name_branch_ you_want origin/name_branch_you_want
git checkout -b dev-rob origin/dev-rob
Switched to a new branch 'dev-rob'
Branch 'dev-rob' set up to track remote branch 'dev-rob' from 'origin'
ready to work with the desired branch
gitmoji -c (lista de emojis)
git checkout <main branch>
git rebase <your branch>
git push
Link to resources Git