Collection of AppleScripts
ChangeDNS.scpt Set DNS servers for Ethernet to Google DNS, OpenDNS or Cloudflare DNS
Clean_Chrome.scpt Deletes caches and all files and folders from ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome, with the exception of Local State, First Run, Last Version, Bookmarks, Preferences and Secure Preferences.
ConvertToJPG.scpt uses Apple's sips to convert image files to JPG with low, normal or high quality
ConvertHEICtoJPEG.scpt uses Apple's Image Events to convert HEIC/HEIF files to JPEG
GetSysInfo11-12.scpt reads and displays information about macOS Big Sur (11) and Monterey (12) version, build number, XProtect, Gatekeeper, SIP and MRT
GetSysInfoCatalina.scpt reads and displays information about macOS Catalina (10.15) version, build number, XProtect, Gatekeeper, SIP and MRT
GetSysInfoMojave.scpt same for Mojave (macOS 10.14)
LaunchCheck.scpt – check the contents of ~/Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchAgents, /Library/LaunchDaemons and /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools
macOSinAppStore.scpt opens the links for OSX & macOS versions directly in the App Store
Java6forCatalina.scpt removes the instalation limits from Java for OS X 2017-001 so it can be installed on macOS 10.15 Catalina
NConvertHEICtoJPEG.scpt uses NConvert to convert HEIC/HEIF files to JPEG and remove metadata. Note: "NConvert is provided as FREEWARE (NO Adware, NO Spyware) for private or educational use (including non-profit organizations)."
appexRemover.scpt finds and offers the option to delete appex files from applications
SortText.scpt takes the text from clipboard, sorts it and copies the sorted text back into clipboard
Unpack-Repack-PKG.scpt unpack a pgk file, repack the folder into a pkg file without signature
Remove-quarantine-attribute_Sign-with-an ad-hoc-signature.scpt The script checks if an app has the quarantine attribute and if it is signed. Then offers to remove the quarantine attribute, remove the signature and re-sign the app with an ad-hoc signature.
Introduction to AppleScript Language Guide