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Merge pull request #2 from azcraze/develop
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azcraze authored Apr 15, 2023
2 parents 201c38b + 895b60e commit 2ee5960
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Showing 75 changed files with 23,639 additions and 2,392 deletions.
117 changes: 80 additions & 37 deletions .cz-config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,63 +1,106 @@
// cz.config.js
/** @type {import('cz-git').CommitizenGitOptions} */
module.exports = {
alias: { fd: 'docs: fix typos' },
alias: { fd: "docs: fix typos" },
messages: {
type: 'Select the type of change that you\'re committing:',
scope: 'Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):',
customScope: 'Denote the SCOPE of this change:',
subject: 'Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change:\n',
type: "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
scope: "Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):",
customScope: "Denote the SCOPE of this change:",
subject: "Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change:\n",
body: 'Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
breaking: 'List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
// footerPrefixesSelect: 'Select the ISSUES type of changeList by this change (optional):',
'List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
// footerPrefixesSelect: 'Select the ISSUES type of changeList by this change (optional):',
//customFooterPrefix: 'Input ISSUES prefix:',
footer: 'List any ISSUES by this change. E.g.: #31, #34:\n',
generatedSelectByAI: 'Select suitable subject by AI generated:',
confirmCommit: 'Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above?'
footer: "List any ISSUES by this change. E.g.: #31, #34:\n",
generatedSelectByAI: "Select suitable subject by AI generated:",
confirmCommit: "Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above?",
types: [
{ value: "feat", name: "feat: ✨ A new feature", emoji: ":sparkles:" },
value: "feat",
name: "feat: ✨ A new feature",
emoji: ":sparkles:",
{ value: "fix", name: "fix: 🐛 A bug fix", emoji: ":bug:" },
{ value: "docs", name: "docs: 📝 Documentation only changes", emoji: ":memo:" },
{ value: "style", name: "style: 💄 Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code", emoji: ":lipstick:" },
{ value: "refactor", name: "refactor: ♻️ A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature", emoji: ":recycle:" },
{ value: "perf", name: "perf: ⚡️ A code change that improves performance", emoji: ":zap:" },
{ value: "test", name: "test: ✅ Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests", emoji: ":white_check_mark:" },
{ value: "build", name: "build: 📦️ Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies", emoji: ":package:" },
{ value: "ci", name: "ci: 🎡 Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts", emoji: ":ferris_wheel:" },
{ value: "chore", name: "chore: 🔨 Other changes that don't modify src or test files", emoji: ":hammer:" },
{ value: "revert", name: "revert: ⏪️ Reverts a previous commit", emoji: ":rewind:" }
value: "docs",
name: "docs: 📝 Documentation only changes",
emoji: ":memo:",
value: "style",
name: "style: 💄 Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code",
emoji: ":lipstick:",
value: "refactor",
name: "refactor: ♻️ A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature",
emoji: ":recycle:",
value: "perf",
name: "perf: ⚡️ A code change that improves performance",
emoji: ":zap:",
value: "test",
name: "test: ✅ Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests",
emoji: ":white_check_mark:",
value: "build",
name: "build: 📦️ Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies",
emoji: ":package:",
value: "ci",
name: "ci: 🎡 Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts",
emoji: ":ferris_wheel:",
value: "chore",
name: "chore: 🔨 Other changes that don't modify src or test files",
emoji: ":hammer:",
value: "revert",
name: "revert: ⏪️ Reverts a previous commit",
emoji: ":rewind:",
useEmoji: true,
emojiAlign: 'left',
emojiAlign: "left",
useAI: false,
aiNumber: 1,
themeColorCode: '199',
themeColorCode: "199",
scopes: [],
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowEmptyScopes: true,
customScopesAlign: 'bottom',
customScopesAlias: 'custom',
emptyScopesAlias: 'empty',
customScopesAlign: "bottom",
customScopesAlias: "custom",
emptyScopesAlias: "empty",
upperCaseSubject: true,
markBreakingChangeMode: false,
allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
allowBreakingChanges: ["feat", "fix"],
breaklineNumber: 100,
breaklineChar: '|',
skipQuestions: ['footerPrefix', 'footer' ],
issuePrefixes: [{ value: 'closed', name: 'closed: ISSUES has been processed' }],
customIssuePrefixAlign: 'top',
emptyIssuePrefixAlias: 'skip',
customIssuePrefixAlias: 'custom',
breaklineChar: "|",
skipQuestions: ["footerPrefix", "footer"],
issuePrefixes: [
{ value: "closed", name: "closed: ISSUES has been processed" },
customIssuePrefixAlign: "top",
emptyIssuePrefixAlias: "skip",
customIssuePrefixAlias: "custom",
allowCustomIssuePrefix: true,
allowEmptyIssuePrefix: true,
confirmColorize: true,
maxHeaderLength: Infinity,
maxSubjectLength: Infinity,
minSubjectLength: 0,
scopeOverrides: undefined,
defaultBody: '',
defaultIssues: '',
defaultScope: '',
defaultSubject: ''
defaultBody: "",
defaultIssues: "",
defaultScope: "",
defaultSubject: "",
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
module.exports = {
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: "latest",
sourceType: "script",
ecmaFeatures: {},
extends: ["eslint-config-prettier"],
rules: {
"default-param-last": ["error"],
"default-case-last": ["error"],
"max-statements": [ "error", { max: 16 }],
"max-depth": [ "error", { max: 4 }],
"no-lonely-if": ["error"],
"prefer-template": ["error"],
"no-useless-return": ["error"],
"spaced-comment": [ "error", "always", { block: { exceptions: ["-+"]}}],
"no-useless-rename": [ "error", { ignoreImport: true }],
"for-direction": ["error"],
"key-spacing": [
2, {
singleLine: {
beforeColon: false,
afterColon: true,
multiLine: {
beforeColon: false,
afterColon: true,
"no-multi-spaces": [
"error", {
ignoreEOLComments: false,
exceptions: { Property: true },
"vars-on-top": ["warn"],
"object-curly-newline": [
"error", {
multiline: true,
minProperties: 3,
consistent: true,
"object-curly-spacing": [ "error", "always", { arraysInObjects: false, objectsInObjects: false },],
yoda: [ "error", "always" ],
"padded-blocks": [ "error", { switches: "never" }],
"padding-line-between-statements": [
blankLine: "always",
prev: [ "const", "let", "var" ],
next: "*",
blankLine: "any",
prev: [ "const", "let", "var" ],
next: [ "const", "let", "var" ],
blankLine: "never",
prev: [ "case", "default" ],
next: "*",
"no-invalid-regexp": [
"error", {
allowConstructorFlags: [ "a", "z" ],
"getter-return": [ "error", { allowImplicit: true }],
"valid-typeof": ["error"],
"no-class-assign": ["error"],
"no-compare-neg-zero": ["error"],
"no-cond-assign": ["error"],
"no-constant-condition": ["error"],
"no-control-regex": ["error"],
"no-debugger": ["error"],
"no-delete-var": ["error"],
"no-dupe-args": ["error"],
"no-dupe-class-members": ["error"],
"no-dupe-else-if": ["error"],
"no-dupe-keys": ["error"],
"no-duplicate-case": ["error"],
"no-empty": ["error"],
"no-empty-character-class": ["error"],
"no-empty-pattern": ["error"],
"no-ex-assign": ["error"],
"no-extra-boolean-cast": ["error"],
"no-extra-semi": ["error"],
"no-fallthrough": ["error"],
"no-func-assign": ["error"],
"no-inner-declarations": ["error"],
"no-irregular-whitespace": ["error"],
"no-loss-of-precision": ["error"],
"no-misleading-character-class": ["error"],
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": ["error"],
"no-new-symbol": ["error"],
"no-nonoctal-decimal-escape": ["error"],
"no-obj-calls": ["error"],
"no-octal": ["error"],
"no-prototype-builtins": ["error"],
"no-redeclare": ["error"],
"no-regex-spaces": ["error"],
"no-self-assign": ["error"],
"no-setter-return": ["error"],
"no-shadow-restricted-names": ["error"],
"no-sparse-arrays": ["error"],
"no-this-before-super": ["error"],
"no-unexpected-multiline": ["warn"],
"no-unreachable": ["error"],
"no-unsafe-finally": ["error"],
"no-unsafe-negation": ["error"],
"no-unsafe-optional-chaining": ["error"],
"no-unused-labels": ["error"],
"no-unused-vars": ["warn"],
"no-useless-backreference": ["error"],
"no-useless-catch": ["error"],
"no-useless-escape": ["error"],
"no-with": ["error"],
"require-yield": ["error"],
"use-isnan": ["error"],
"array-bracket-spacing": [
"error", "always", {
arraysInArrays: false,
objectsInArrays: false,
singleValue: false,
"array-bracket-newline": [
"error", {
multiline: true,
minItems: 4,
"array-element-newline": [
"error", {
minItems: 4,
"block-spacing": [ "warn", "always" ],
indent: [
"error", 2, {
SwitchCase: 1,
VariableDeclarator: 1,
MemberExpression: 1,
CallExpression: {
arguments: "first",
ObjectExpression: 1,
ImportDeclaration: 1,
flatTernaryExpressions: false,
offsetTernaryExpressions: true,
ignoreComments: false,
env: {
commonjs: true,
node: true,
ignorePatterns: [ "data/", "node_modules", "*.json" ],
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .gitconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

tool = difftastic

prompt = false

[difftool "difftastic"]
cmd = difft "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
# Use a pager for large output, just like other git commands.
difftool = true

# `git dft` is less to type than `git difftool`.
dft = difftool
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions .github/dependabot.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# To get started with Dependabot version updates, you'll need to specify which
# package ecosystems to update and where the package manifests are located.
# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:

version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "" # See documentation for possible values
directory: "/" # Location of package manifests
interval: "weekly"

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