v24.4.1 - optimize memory usage + tar.gz/standalone/apple silicon artifacts
logs: decrease memory footprint by 30%
Add tar.gz/standalone binary/zip packages - #53
Add show query action (shortcut - 'S') (#61 )
Add artifacts for Apple Silicon (amd64) - #63
Continuous Integration
decrease memory footprint by 30% (Azat Khuzhin )
f64964d : Add force quit (useful to leave previous screen as-is for i.e. copying logs) (Azat Khuzhin)
366bc3b : Remove vertical scroll for non-wrap case (Azat Khuzhin)
3ece6dc : Do not incrementally update server logs (too costly) (Azat Khuzhin)
remove copy-paste for handling CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD #46 (filimonov )
add section about URL format #47 (filimonov )
4694fc0 : Get back note about Esc is bad choice for binding (Azat Khuzhin)
41a8b40 : Update (#49 ) (filimonov) #49
fix typo in markdown format #54 (Azat Khuzhin )
88ee8c7 : Get back Esc binding (Azat Khuzhin) #54
1a7dc6b : Close left menu on back/quit action (Azat Khuzhin) #55
87c7ee1 : Add tar.gz package (Azat Khuzhin) #53
43e77be : Add chdig as a single binary into releases (Azat Khuzhin) #53
1f7a8d4 : Switch archive format for windows to *.zip (Azat Khuzhin) #53
a294582 : Add arch for the tar.xz package (Azat Khuzhin) #53
821c715 : Remove chdig standalone binary from the mapping (Azat Khuzhin) #53
ceb06cd : Obtain arch with $(uname -m) over using rustc --print target-spec-json (Azat Khuzhin) #53
b55be0f : Deploy chdig standalone binary properly (Azat Khuzhin) #53
adaaa6a : Fix link to the tar.gz package in README (Azat Khuzhin) #53
aed3564 : Add tar.gz/standalone binary/zip packages - #53 (Azat Khuzhin) #53
47518be : Support cluster as a macro (Azat Khuzhin)
95b9f6d : Use usize::MAX over legacy usize::max_value() (Azat Khuzhin)
08807af : cargo update (to fix h2 vulnerability) (Azat Khuzhin) #60
24b3e1e : Add show query action (shortcut - 'S') (Azat Khuzhin) #61
a019cd5 : Reuse is_system_processes variable (Azat Khuzhin) #61
3aa6084 : Fix detecting SETTINGS in query (for show/edit query actions) (Azat Khuzhin) #61
3fa6b89 : Add show query action (shortcut - 'S') (#61 ) (Azat Khuzhin) #61
86e6ef3 : Fix calculating network speed (everything except vlan, not vise-versa) (Azat Khuzhin)
52d0fc1 : cargo update (to fix dependabot) (Azat Khuzhin)
54a3f38 : Gather read/write IO from vd* blockdevs (Azat Khuzhin)
fef2100 : Add artifacts for Apple Silicon (amd64) (Azat Khuzhin) #63
2266eb8 : cargo update (in contrib as well) (Azat Khuzhin)
25d3c8b : Fix artifacts for Apple Silicon in releases (Azat Khuzhin)
5f43fe6 : v24.4.1 (Azat Khuzhin)
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