Started dota-core as college project for creating a common API for creating web components and just automate bunch of things using decorators. Major concern was to automate the re-rendering of the component upon the change in the attribute, providing event listeners and a way write components that just looks clean.
- Templating Library for Web Components
- Provides decorators based support for Web Components
- Automatic re-rendering of components.
- Attribute-Property binding.
import {HTML, Component, BaseElement, Property, EventListener, EventType} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
export class Widget extends BaseElement {
@Propert({name: 'data', type: StringType})
data: string;
constructor() {
@EventListener({name: 'click', type: EventType.ROOT})
handleClick() {
render() {
return HTML`<div>Click Me</div>`
- EventType.ROOT -> Represents the current element (attach listener to an element)
import {Component, HTML, Component, BaseElement, Property, EventListener, EventType} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
export class Widget extends BaseElement {
@Propert({name: 'data', type: StringType})
data: string;
constructor() {
@EventListener({name: 'click', type: EventType.WINDOW})
handleClick() {
render() {
return HTML`<div>Click Me</div>`
- EventType.WINDOW -> Represent the window object (attach listener to the window)
import {BaseElement, HTML} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
export class ColorTextComponent extends BaseElement {
render() {
return HTML`
<div @click="{handleClick}">Click Me<div>
Currently only work for methods with no parameters
import {BooleanType, StringType} from "./property.types";
selector: 'color-text',
shadow: false
export class ColoredTextComponent extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'text', type: StringType})
text!: string
@Property({name: 'color', type: StringType})
color!: string
@Property({name: 'bold', type: BooleanType})
bold!: boolean
colorSet = ['text-purple-400', 'text-yellow-400', 'text-emerald-400']
constructor() {
changeColor() {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.colorSet.length);
this.setAttribute('color', this.colorSet[randomIndex])
render(): string {
const bold = this.bold ? 'font-semibold' : '';
return HTML`
<div class="${this.color} ${bold} flex flex-col items-center">
class="text-center w-fit px-3 py-1 cursor-pointer text-white bg-yellow-400 active:scale-95 text-sm border rounded-lg"
Click to Change Color
Process of Binding Events on Element to the Class Method, fallback feature till the template rendering available
import {BaseElement, Component, HTML, Property, BindEvent} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
selecter: 'text-component',
shadow: false
export class TextComponent extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'text', type: StringType})
text!: string
@BindEvent({event: 'click', id: '#clr12'})
handleClick() {
render() {
return HTML`
<div id="clr12">${this.text}<div>
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
selector: 'text-component'
export class TextComponent extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'text', type: StringType})
text!: string;
render() {
return HTML`
<text-component text="Text to render"></text-component>
Now if we want the attribute name to be different
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
selector: 'text-component'
export class TextComponent extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'data', type: StringType})
text!: string;
render() {
return HTML`
<text-component data="Text to render"></text-component>
import {BaseElement, Component, HTML, AfterInit} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'neat-pots',
shadow: false
export class NeatPotsBeam extends BaseElement {
constructor() {
afterViewInit() {
console.log('Run After View is Rendered');
render() {
return HTML`
<div>This is a Custom Element Component</div>
import {BaseElement, BindEvent, Component, Property, EventEmitter} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {StringType} from "./property.types";
selecter: 'brave-seas',
shadow: false
export class BraveSeasProve extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'data', type: StringType})
data!: string
dataChange = new EventEmitter<string>('data-change')
@BindEvent({event: 'click', id: '#chng'})
change() {
render() {
return HTML`<div id="chng">${}</div>`
Added @Event decorator to initialize EventEmitters
import {AfterInit, BaseElement, Component, EventEmitter, Event} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'tidy-dryers',
shadow: false
export class TidyDryersWink extends BaseElement {
colorChange!: EventEmitter<string>
afterViewInit() {
this.color.emit('data', this)
render() {
return '';
import {BaseElement, Component, EventListener, HTML} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import type {EventType} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'listener-component',
shadow: false
export class ListenerComponent extends BaseElement {
@EventListener({name: 'onColorChange', type: EventType.ROOT})
logEvent(event: Event) {
render() {
return HTML`
It is used to do something before rendering the component, you can access the inner html of your custom component and assign it to itself
import {Component, BaseElement, BeforeInit} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'app-scaffold',
shadow: true
export class ScaffoldComponent extends BaseElement {
beforeViewInit() { // function name must be the beforeViewInit
render(): string {
return `
<div class="scaffold">
.scaffold {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
Update project -> Automate reactivity for change in the property value by updating dom by default.
With reactivity dom gets update each time a property marked as @Property gets its value changed.
import {BindEvent, Component, Property, BaseElement} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {NumberType} from "./property.types";
selector: 'app-counter',
shadow: false
export class CounterComponent extends BaseElement {
@Property({name: 'count', type: NumberType})
count!: number;
@BindEvent({event: 'click', id: '#button'})
increment() {
this.count += 1;
render() {
return `
<button id="button" type="submit">Click Me</button>
<app-count count="0"></app-count>
Use the bootstrap function to initialize all the required component
import {bootstrap} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
import {ButtonComponent, ScaffoldComponent} from "./components";
The @HostListener decorator binds a method to a specified event on the host element or its shadow root. It is used to listen for events such as 'click', 'mouseover', etc., and execute the decorated method when the event is triggered.
import {HostListener, BaseElement, Component, HTML} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'my-component',
shadow: true
export class MyComponent extends BaseElement {
@HostListener({ event: 'click' })
public handleClick(event: Event) {
console.log('Host element clicked', event);
render() {
return HTML`<div>Click Me</div>`;
The @WindowListener decorator binds a method to a specified event on the global window object. It is used to listen for events such as 'resize', 'scroll', etc., and execute the decorated method when the event is triggered.
import {WindowListener, BaseElement, Component, HTML} from "@ayu-sh-kr/dota-core/dist";
selector: 'my-component',
shadow: true
export class MyComponent extends BaseElement {
@WindowListener({ event: 'resize' })
public handleResize(event: Event) {
console.log('Window resized', event);
render() {
return HTML`<div>Resize the window to see the effect</div>`;