A very simple HOC for AntD Form.Item to enable displaying only text without the component. It is useful when you want a view mode of your form.
yarn add form-item-view-hoc
Here is an example of using this HOC with AntD Form.Item
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import withFormItemView from "form-item-view-hoc";
import { Form, Input, Switch } from "antd";
const CustomFormItem = withFormItemView(Form.Item);
function MyForm(props) {
const { getFieldDecorator } = props.form;
return (
<Form.Item label="Read-Only">
{getFieldDecorator("switch", { valuePropName: "checked" })(<Switch />)}
{getFieldDecorator("name")(<Input placeholder="Name" />)}
export default Form.create()(MyForm);
You can check this codesandbox here
You need to pass these props
Prop | Type | Desc |
readOnly | bool | a value to make the form item read-only |
display | string | it's optional and it can overrides the value of form item and display it. |
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