FloraFauna is a web-based application used to keep track of local flora and fauna species within a given geographic area. Users are able to upload pictures and descriptions of species they have come across throughout their travels and upload them to the application, allowing other users to keep track of local wildlife populations within their location. FloraFauna mainly features an interactive map with community-uploaded pinpoints of wildlife sightings where other users can comment and like the pictures while working together to identify the flora/fauna associated with the pinpoint. The main motivation behind this project is to have easily accessible, crowdsourced wildlife population data and tracking for researchers and hobbyists alike.
Software Requisites:
- node.js LTS 16.x.x (tested on 16.14.2)
- npm 8.x.x (tested on 8.5.0)
Package Dependencies:
- see
Clone the Repository.
First run (or after dependencies have changed):
npm install
Start app:
npm start
Visit localhost:3000
in your browser.
A Web application demo is hosted at http://jzhi.bol.ucla.edu and it is EXPERIMENTAL, thus functionality should not be RELIED on for grading. The most reliable method to test this project, is by cloning this repo and running locally.
You will need to create an account for full functionality (email does not have to exist), here we have provided a test moderator account, as moderator accounts are delegated:
Email: [email protected]
Password: coolmod
Profile page icons: https://fontawesome.com/v4/license/
Home page map graphic: https://freesvg.org/silhouette-vector-graphics-of-political-world-map
Website favicon: https://favicon.io/favicon-generator/