A java serialization library with built-in support for forward-backward compatibility (schema evolution) and validation.
- efficient, both in speed and memory
- flexible, supporting pluggable formats
- messaging layer in RPC
- storage format in the datastore or cache
For more information, go to https://protostuff.github.io/docs/
- For the core formats (protostuff and protobuf)
- For schemas generated at runtime
public final class Foo
String name;
int id;
public Foo(String name, int id)
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
static void roundTrip()
Foo foo = new Foo("foo", 1);
// this is lazily created and cached by RuntimeSchema
// so its safe to call RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class) over and over
// The getSchema method is also thread-safe
Schema<Foo> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class);
// Re-use (manage) this buffer to avoid allocating on every serialization
LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(512);
// ser
final byte[] protostuff;
protostuff = ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(foo, schema, buffer);
// deser
Foo fooParsed = schema.newMessage();
ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(protostuff, fooParsed, schema);
public final class Wrap
Object obj, any;
String[] strArray;
Foo[] fooArray;
Object[] objArray;
// To enable by default, set the system property:
// -Dprotostuff.runtime.allow_null_array_element=true
static final DefaultIdStrategy STRATEGY = new DefaultIdStrategy(IdStrategy.DEFAULT_FLAGS |
static void roundTrip()
Wrap wrap = new Wrap();
wrap.obj = new Foo[]{ null, new Foo("0", 0), null, new Foo("1", 1), null };
wrap.any = new String[]{ null, "hello", "world", null };
wrap.strArray = new String[]{ "hello", null, "world" };
wrap.fooArray = new Foo[]{ null, new Foo("0", 0), null };
wrap.objArray = new Object[]{
new Foo[] { null, new Foo("hello", 0), new Foo("world", 1), null }
// this is lazily created and cached by RuntimeSchema
// so its safe to call RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Foo.class) over and over
// The getSchema method is also thread-safe
Schema<Wrap> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Wrap.class, STRATEGY);
// Re-use (manage) this buffer to avoid allocating on every serialization
LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate(512);
// ser
final byte[] protostuff;
protostuff = ProtostuffIOUtil.toByteArray(wrap, schema, buffer);
// deser
Wrap parsed = schema.newMessage();
ProtostuffIOUtil.mergeFrom(protostuff, parsed, schema);
assertArrayEquals((Foo[])wrap.obj, (Foo[])parsed.obj);
assertArrayEquals((String[])wrap.any, (String[])parsed.any);
assertArrayEquals(wrap.strArray, parsed.strArray);
assertArrayEquals(wrap.fooArray, parsed.fooArray);
assertArrayEquals((Foo[])wrap.objArray[0], (Foo[])parsed.objArray[0]);
static <T> void assertArrayEquals(T[] a, T[] b)
if (a == b)
assertEquals(a.length, b.length);
for (int i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++)
assertEquals(a[i], b[i]);
- subscribe to http://groups.google.com/group/protostuff/
Java 1.6 or higher
Maven 3.2.3 or higher
mvn install && mvn eclipse:eclipse
# Open eclipse, import existing project, navigate to the protostuff module you're after, then hit 'Finish'.