Simulates the path of a bottle rocket given initial parameters. The purpose of the project is to optimize parameters and estimate the flight length of a built bottle rocket, see Bottle_Rocket_Estimation.pdf
- Python 3
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- Clone the repository, run
. A plot will be generated asresult.png
displaying trajectory and length. - Given parameters (such as pover, mbottle, mwater, Vbottle, Vwater) can easily be changed in
. - The method
can be used to find the optimal initial values of αinitial and Vwater.
- The initial velocity (ΔV) is approximated using starting parameters.
- Trajectory is approximated with iterated steps given drag and gravity parameters.
- Make better approximation of initial velocity. This could be done by including the thrust from the remaining air in the bottle after the water has been ejected.