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configuration configuration gconstruction

Jian Zhang (James) edited this page Jun 25, 2023 · 24 revisions

Graph Construction#

  • --conf-file: (Required) the path of the configuration JSON file.

  • --num-processes: the number of processes to process the data simulteneously. Default is 1. Increase this number can speed up data processing.

  • --num-processes-for-nodes: the number of processes to process node data simulteneously. Increase this number can speed up node data processing.

  • --num-processes-for-edges: the number of processes to process edge data simulteneously. Increase this number can speed up edge data processing.

  • --output-dir: (Required) the path of the output data files.

  • --graph-name: (Required) the name assigned for the graph.

  • --remap-node_id: boolean value to decide whether to rename node IDs or not. Default is true.

  • --add-reverse-edges: boolean value to decide whether to add reverse edges for the given graph. Default is true.

  • --output-format: the format of constructed graph, options are DGL and DistDGL. Default is DistDGL. The output format is explained in the Output section below.

  • --num-parts: the number of partitions of the constructed graph. This is only valid if the output format is DistDGL.

  • --skip-nonexist-edges: boolean value to decide whether skip edges whose endpoint nodes don’t exist. Default is true.

  • --ext-mem-workspace: the directory where the tool can store data during graph construction. Suggest to use high-speed SSD as the external memory workspace.

  • --ext-mem-feat-size: the minimal number of feature dimensions that features can be stored in external memory. Default is 64.

Configuration JSON Explanations#

The JSON file that describes the graph data defines where to get node data and edge data to construct a graph. Below shows an example of such a JSON file. In the highest level, it contains two fields: nodes and edges.


nodes contains a list of node types and the information of a node type is stored in a dictionary. A node dictionary contains multiple fields and most fields are optional.

  • node_type: (Required) specifies the node type. Think this as a name given to one type of nodes, e.g. author and paper.

  • files: (Required) specifies the input files for the node data. There are multiple options to specify the input files. For a single input file, it contains the path of a single file. For multiple files, it contains the paths of files with a wildcard, or a list of file paths, e.g., file_name*.parquet.

  • format: (Required) specifies the input file format. Currently, the pipeline supports three formats: parquet, HDF5, and JSON. The value of this field is a dictionary, where the key is name and the value is either parquet or JSON, e.g., {“name”:”JSON”}. The detailed format information is specified in the format section.

  • node_id_col: specifies the column name that contains the node IDs. This field is optional. If a node type contains multiple blocks to specify the node data, only one of the blocks require to specify the node ID column.

  • features is a list of dictionaries that define how to get features and transform features. This is optional. The format of a feature dictionary is defined below.

  • labels is a list of dictionaries that define where to get labels and how to split the data into training/validation/test set. This is optional. The format of a label dictionary is defined below.


Similarly, edges contains a list of edge types and the information of an edge type is stored in a dictionary. An edge dictionary also contains the same fields of files, format, features and labels as nodes. In addition, it contains the following fields:

  • source_id_col: (Required) specifies the column name of the source node IDs.

  • dest_id_col: (Required) specifies the column name of the destination node IDs.

  • relation: (Required) is a list of three elements that contains the node type of the source nodes, the relation type of the edges and the node type of the destination nodes. Values of node types should be same as the corresponding values specified in the node_type fields in nodes objects, e.g., [“author”, “write”, “paper”].

A feature dictionary is defined:

  • feature_col: (Required) specifies the column name in the input file that contains the feature.

  • feature_name: specifies the prefix of the column features name. This is optional. If feature_name is not provided, feature_col is used as the feature name. If the feature transformation generates multiple tensors, feature_name becomes the prefix of the names of the generated tensors.

  • transform: specifies the actual feature transformation. This is a dictionary and its name field indicates the feature transformation. Each transformation has its own argument. The list of feature transformations supported by the pipeline are listed in the section of Feature Transformation below.

A label dictionary is defined:

  • task_type: (Required) specifies the task defined on the nodes or edges. Currently, its value can be classification, regression and link_prediction.

  • label_col: specifies the column name in the input file that contains the label. This has to be specified for classification and regression tasks. label_col is used as the label name.

  • split_pct: specifies how to split the data into training/validation/test. This is optional. If it’s not specified, the data is split into 80% for training 10% for validation and 10% for testing. The pipeline constructs three additional vectors indicating the training/validation/test masks. For classification and regression tasks, the names of the mask tensors are train_mask, val_mask and test_mask.

Input formats#

Currently, the graph construction pipeline supports three input formats: Parquet, HDF5, and JSON.

For the Parquet format, each column defines a node/edge feature, label or node/edge IDs. For multi-dimensional features, currently the pipeline requires the features to be stored as a list of vectors. The pipeline will reconstruct multi-dimensional features and store them in a matrix.

The HDF5 format is similar as the parquet format, but have larger capacity. Therefore suggest to use HDF5 format if users’ data is large.

For JSON format, each line of the JSON file is a JSON object. The JSON object can only have one level. The value of each field can only be primitive values, such as integers, strings and floating points, or a list of integers or floating points.

Feature transformation#

Currently, the graph construction pipeline supports the following feature transformation:

  • HuggingFace tokenizer transformation tokenizes text strings with a HuggingFace tokenizer. The name field in the feature transformation dictionary is tokenize_hf. The dict should contain two additional fields. bert_model specifies the BERT model used for tokenization. Users can choose any HuggingFace BERT models. max_seq_length specifies the maximal sequence length.

  • HuggingFace BERT transformation encodes text strings with a HuggingFace BERT model. The name field in the feature transformation dictionary is bert_hf. The dict should contain two additional fields. bert_model specifies the BERT model used for embedding text. Users can choose any HuggingFace BERT models. max_seq_length specifies the maximal sequence length.

  • Numerical MAX_MIN transformation normalizes numerical input features with val = (val-min)/(max-min), where val is the feature value, max is the maximum number in the feature and min is the minimum number in the feature. The name field in the feature transformation dictionary is max_min_norm. The dict can contains two optional fields. max_bound specifies the maximum value allowed in the feature. Any number larger than max_bound will be set to max_bound. min_bound specifies the minimum value allowed in the feature. Any number smaller than min_bound will be set to min_bound.

  • Numerical Rank Gauss transformation normalizes numerical input features with rank gauss normalization. It maps the numeric feature values to gaussian distribution based on ranking. The method follows The name field in the feature transformation dictionary is rank_gauss. The dict can contains one optional field, i.e., epsilon which is used to avoid INF float during computation.

  • Convert to categorical values converts text data to categorial values. The name field is to_categorical. separator specifies how to split the string into multiple categorical values (this is only used to define multiple categorical values). If separator is not specified, the entire string is a categorical value. mapping is a dict that specifies how to map a string to an integer value that defines a categorical value.


Currently, the graph construction pipeline outputs two output formats: DistDGL and DGL. If select DGL, the output is a file, named <graph_name>.dgl under the folder specified by the --output-dir argument, where <graph_name> is the value of argument --graph-name. If select DistDGL, the output is a JSON file, named <graph_name>.json, and a set of part* folders under the folder specified by the --output-dir argument, where the * is the number specified by the --num-parts argument.

By Specifying the output_format as DGL, the output will be an DGLGraph. By Specifying the output_format as DistDGL, the output will be a partitioned graph named DistDGL graph. It contains the partitioned graph, a JSON config describing the meta-information of the partitioned graph, and the mappings for the edges and nodes after partition, and, which maps each node and edge in the partitoined graph into the original node and edge id space. The node ID mapping is stored as a dictionary of 1D tensors whose key is the node type and value is a 1D tensor mapping between shuffled node IDs and the original node IDs. The edge ID mapping is stored as a dictionary of 1D tensors whose key is the edge type and value is a 1D tensor mapping between shuffled edge IDs and the original edge IDs.


The two mapping files are used to record the mapping between the ogriginal node and edge ids in the raw data files and the ids of nodes and edges in the constructed graph. They are important for mapping the training and inference outputs. Therefore, DO NOT move or delete them.

An example#

Below shows an example that contains one node type and an edge type. For a real example, please refer to the input JSON file used in the Use Your Own Graphs Tutorial.

    nodes: [
            "node_id_col":  "paper_id",
            "node_type":    "paper",
            "format":       {"name": "parquet"},
            "files":        ["/tmp/dummy/paper_nodes*.parquet"],
            "features":     [
                    "feature_col":  ["paper_title"],
                    "feature_name": "title",
                    "transform":    {"name": "tokenize_hf",
                                     "bert": "huggingface-basic",
                                     "max_seq_length": 512}
            "labels":       [
                    "label_col":    "labels",
                    "task_type":    "classification",
                    "split_pct":   [0.8, 0.2, 0.0],
    edges: [
            "source_id_col":    "src_paper_id",
            "dest_id_col":      "dest_paper_id",
            "relation":         ["paper", "cite", "paer"],
            "format":           {"name": "parquet"},
            "files":            ["/tmp/edge_feat.parquet"],
            "features":         [
                    "feature_col":  ["citation_time"],
                    "feature_name": "feat",