350 commits
to main
since this release
- util-endpoints: update aws partitions.json (5927fcdc)
- endpoints: update endpoints model (1ba5717c)
- models: update API models (9284063c)
- codegen: update template typescript version (#6784) (a5635725)
New Features
- client-fms: AWS Firewall Manager now lets you combine multiple resource tags using the logical AND operator or the logical OR operator. (e43d607d)
- client-codebuild: AWS CodeBuild Now Supports BuildBatch in Reserved Capacity and Lambda (4fb5b7ee)
- client-compute-optimizer: This release expands AWS Compute Optimizer rightsizing recommendation support for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups to include those with scaling policies and multiple instance types. (b33aa6f1)
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.726.0.zip