826 commits
to main
since this release
New Features
- clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-11-01 (daef7c12)
- client-taxsettings: Add support for supplemental tax registrations via these new APIs: PutSupplementalTaxRegistration, ListSupplementalTaxRegistrations, and DeleteSupplementalTaxRegistration. (23a1507e)
- client-cloudwatch-logs: This release introduces an improvement in PutLogEvents (3fc175fd)
- client-bedrock-agent: Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases now supports using application inference profiles to increase throughput and improve resilience. (2601df45)
- client-docdb-elastic: Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters adds support for pending maintenance actions feature with APIs GetPendingMaintenanceAction, ListPendingMaintenanceActions and ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction (3bbb1c52)
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.685.0.zip