929 commits
to main
since this release
New Features
- client-datazone: Adding the following project member designations: PROJECT_CATALOG_VIEWER, PROJECT_CATALOG_CONSUMER and PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD in the CreateProjectMembership API and PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD designation in the AddPolicyGrant API. (678f17d8)
- client-athena: Removing FEDERATED from Create/List/Delete/GetDataCatalog API (ca03f0c2)
- client-bedrock: Adding converse support to CMI API's (46406aea)
- client-ec2: RequestSpotInstances and RequestSpotFleet feature release. (a4c04943)
- client-bedrock-runtime: Added converse support for custom imported models (ae2b967a)
Bug Fixes
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.675.0.zip