967 commits
to main
since this release
Documentation Changes
- client-appflow: Doc only updates for clarification around OAuth2GrantType for Salesforce. (b381b166)
- client-robomaker: Documentation update: added support notices to each API action. (bc47ba41)
New Features
- client-guardduty: Added a new field for network connection details. (6f6d4ac2)
- client-emr: This release provides new parameter "Context" in instance fleet clusters. (bbad3841)
- client-elastic-load-balancing-v2: Add zonal_shift.config.enabled attribute. Add new AdministrativeOverride construct in the describe-target-health API response to include information about the override status applied to a target. (809828e6)
Bug Fixes
- client-s3: correct shape type of two shapes from union to structure (#6561) (9d746f60)
- lib-dynamodb: missing @aws-sdk/core dependency in lib-dynamodb (#6557) (e4f9d596)
For list of updated packages, view updated-packages.md in assets-3.670.0.zip