Amazon SSM Agent - Release 3.3.1802.0 - 2025-02-13
Fix TestDocumentWorkerCrash integration tests
Implement caching for platform data and refactor the code to use cached data if available
Replace Get-CimInstance commands with WMI alternatives for retrieving system info
Add configuration file and script to run the Argot static analyzer to check for dataflow and other security invariants
Updater to allow downgrade if current version is inactive
Allow Agent Updater to emit intermediate metrics during updates and add new Updater metrics
Agent setup cli verification to rely only on exit codes
Update SSM Agent public key to verify SSM-Setup-CLI binary signature
Update GPG keyring to verify SSM-Agent binary signature using SSM-Setup-CLI
Fix code branching within
Use powershell for simplified, updated and no prompt unzip in install.bat
Update build Golang version to 1.22.11
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