This package will showcase a device automatic provision approach solution using AWS Lambda function and verifying the device using DynamoDB.
1.Download this package from aws-samples ( Download AWS FreeRTOS source code ( and apply the patch:
mkdir ~/environment
cd ~/environment
git clone
cd aws-iot-device-auto-provisioning-approach/amazon-freertos/
git clone
cd amazon-freertos/
git checkout 201906.00_Major -b auto-provisioning
git am ../0001-Add-IoT-Lab-Workshop-Device-Auto-Provision-sample-co.patch
2.Please reference the link ( to generate and register CA with AWS Command Line. For more information about AWS Command Line, please check the link(
3.Build code:
cd vendors/espressif/boards/esp32/aws_demos/
make all -j4
4.Install the related python packages and pack the Lambda sample code:
cd ~/environment/aws-iot-device-auto-provisioning-approach/lambda
pip install -t ./ -r requirements.txt
zip -r * .[^.]*
This solution is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.