The AWS Greengrass Stream Manager SDK for JavaScript enables javascript developers to manage data streams using Stream Manager on AWS IoT Greengrass core.
This document provides instructions for preparing your JavaScript code to manage Streams in Stream Manager using the JavaScript SDK.
Follow the guide here to work with Streams using the Stream Manager Client from the Stream Manager SDK.
Stream Manager SDK provided by this repo is compatible with Stream Manager running on Greengrass Core 1.11 and above.
const {
} = require('aws-greengrass-stream-manager-sdk');
const c = new StreamManagerClient({
onConnectCb: async () => {
try {
// Let's start with something simple.
// Just print out all the available stream names on the server
console.log(await c.listStreams());
} finally {
c.close(); // Always close the client when you're done
1.1.0 Updates¶
Stream manager supports automatic data export to AWS S3 and AWS IoT SiteWise, provides new API method to update existing streams, and pause or resume exporting.
Apache 2.0