Releases: aws-greengrass/aws-greengrass-nucleus
Releases · aws-greengrass/aws-greengrass-nucleus
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes an issue where configuring interpolateComponentConfiguration doesn't apply to an ongoing deployment.
- Uses OSHI to list all child processes.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Restart nucleus when a deployment removes a plugin component.
New features
- Adds the ability to create subdeployments that retry deployments with a smaller subset of devices. This feature creates a more efficient way to test and resolve unsuccessful deployments.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Improves support for systems that don't have useradd, groupadd, and usermod.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes an issue where deployment error codes were not generated correctly from Greengrass API errors.
- Fixes an issue where fleet status updates send inaccurate information when a component reaches an ERRORED state during a deployment.
- Fixes an issue where deployments couldn’t complete when Greengrass had more than 50 existing subscriptions.
New features
- Updates the Greengrass nucleus to report a deployment health status response that includes detailed error codes when there is a problem deploying components to a core device. For more information, see Detailed deployment error codes.
- Updates the Greengrass nucleus to report a component health status response that includes detailed error codes when a component enters the BROKEN or ERRORED state. For more information, see Detailed component status codes.
- Expands status message fields to improve cloud availability information for devices
- Improves fleet status service robustness.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Allows a broken component to reinstall when its configuration changes.
- Fixes an issue where a nucleus restart during bootstrap deployment causes a deployment to fail.
- Fixes an issue in Windows where installation fails when a root path contains spaces.
- Allows the Greengrass nucleus to save deployment queues during shutdown.
- Fixes an issue where a component shut down during a deployment uses the shutdown script of the new version.
- Various shutdown improvements.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
New features
- Updates the Greengrass nucleus to send status updates to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud when the core device applies a local deployment.
- Adds support for client certificates signed by a custom certificate authority (CA), where the CA isn't registered with AWS IoT. To use this feature, you can set the new greengrassDataPlaneEndpoint configuration option to iotdata. For more information, see Use a device certificate signed by a private CA.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes an issue where the Greengrass nucleus rolls back a deployment in certain scenarios when the nucleus is stopped or restarted. The nucleus now resumes the deployment after the nucleus restarts.
- Updates the Greengrass installer to respect the --start argument when you specify to set up the software as a system service.
- Updates the behavior of SubscribeToComponentUpdates to set the deployment ID in events where the nucleus updated a component.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
New features
- Adds support for MQTT wildcards when you subscribe to local publish/subscribe topics. For more information, see Publish/subscribe local messages and SubscribeToTopic.
- Adds support for recipe variables in component configurations, other than the
recipe variable. You can use these recipes variables when you define a component'sDefaultConfiguration
in a recipe or when you configure a component in a deployment. For more information, see Recipe variables and Use recipe variables in merge updates. - Adds full support for the
wildcard in interprocess communication (IPC) authorization policies. You can now specify the*
character in a resource string to match any combination of characters. For more information, see Wildcards in authorization policies. - Adds support for custom components to call IPC operations that the Greengrass CLI uses. You can use these IPC operations to manage local deployments, view component details, and generate a password that you can use to sign in to the local debug console. For more information, see IPC: Manage local deployments and components.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes an issue where dependent components wouldn't react when their hard dependencies restart or change states in certain scenarios.
- Improves error messages that the core device reports to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service when a deployment fails.
- Fixes an issue where the Greengrass nucleus applied a thing deployment twice in certain scenarios when the nucleus restarts.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
New features
- Adds support for hardware security modules that use ECC keys. You can use a hardware security module (HSM) to securely store the device's private key and certificate. For more information, see Hardware security integration.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes an issue where the deployment never completes when you deploy a component with a broken install script in certain scenarios.
- Improves performance during startup.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.
New features
- Adds the GG_ROOT_CA_PATH environment variable for components, so you can access the root certificate authority (CA) certificate in custom components.
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Adds support for Windows devices that use a display language other than English
- Updates how nucleus parses Boolean installer flags, so you can specify a Boolean flag without a value to set the value to true. For example, you can now specify --provision instead of --provision true to install with automatic resource provisioning.
- Fixes an issue where the core device didn't report its status to the AWS IoT Greengrass cloud service after provisioning in certain scenarios
- Additional minor fixes and improvements