released this
07 Oct 17:58
5 commits
to release_2.8.x
since this release
New features
- Updates the Greengrass nucleus to report a deployment health status response that includes detailed error codes when there is a problem deploying components to a core device. For more information, see Detailed deployment error codes.
- Updates the Greengrass nucleus to report a component health status response that includes detailed error codes when a component enters the BROKEN or ERRORED state. For more information, see Detailed component status codes.
- Expands status message fields to improve cloud availability information for devices
- Improves fleet status service robustness.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Allows a broken component to reinstall when its configuration changes.
- Fixes an issue where a nucleus restart during bootstrap deployment causes a deployment to fail.
- Fixes an issue in Windows where installation fails when a root path contains spaces.
- Allows the Greengrass nucleus to save deployment queues during shutdown.
- Fixes an issue where a component shut down during a deployment uses the shutdown script of the new version.
- Various shutdown improvements.
- Additional minor fixes and improvements.