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Topic development over time visualization using Arxiv data

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Creating a sample subset

To extract only the cs papers from the metadata dataset on kaggle we can pipe the file through jq

# get all the papers from Computer Science
jq '. | select(.categories | test("cs.(AI|AL|CC|CE|CG|GT|CV|CY|CR|DB|DB|DL|DM|DC|ET|FL|GL|AR|HC|IR|IT|LO|LG|MS|MA|MM|NI|NE|NA|OS|OH|PF|PL|RO|SI|SE|SD|SC|SY)")) | .' arxiv-metadata-oai-snapshot.json > arxiv-sample.json

# filter the papers by year of first publishing
jq 'select(.versions[]| select(.version | test("v1$")) .created | test("2010|2011|2012|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020|2021")) ' arxiv-sample.json > arxiv-sample-by-date.json

# get just the first 100 records
jq -s '.[:100]' arxiv-sample-by-date.json > arxiv-sample-cs.json

Running the elastic stack locally

The application requires an available elasticsearch and kibana. An easy way to provision this is to use docker with docker-compose with the provided docker-compose.yml. To get started

  1. git clone the repository
  2. Ensure docker and docker-compose are installed. It is also possible to use podman with the respective compose command.
➜  arxiv-knowledge-repo git:(main) ✗ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu5~21.04.2
➜  arxiv-knowledge-repo git:(main) ✗ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.25.0, build unknown
  1. Run docker-compose up from the root directory of the repository. This will provision a three node elastic cluster with kibana. For troubleshooting steps see the Elastic Getting Started Guide with Docker and the podman homepage
  2. Once provisioned you can use curl to verify the cluster is up
➜  arxiv-knowledge-repo git:(main) ✗ curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?v&pretty"
ip         heap.percent ram.percent cpu load_1m load_5m load_15m node.role   master name           61          96  10    1.81    2.27     2.38 cdfhilmrstw *      es01           22          96  10    1.81    2.27     2.38 cdfhilmrstw -      es03           50          96  10    1.81    2.27     2.38 cdfhilmrstw -      es02
  1. Now the elasticsearch API should be available via http://localhost:9200/ and the kibana interface should be reachable via http://localhost:5601/

Building Knowledge Repo and Loading data

Run with the required arguments.

-h                       for help
-i index_name            to create new index
-s schemapath            path to schema definition file
-d datapath              path to data file
-p port                  server port number (default -9200)

Run the following command to create an index 'arxiv' and load the data

python3 -i arxiv -s meta/schema.json -d data/arxiv-sample-cs.json

Quantitative Evaluation

# Evaluate the total time taken to ingest json document
time -p python3 -i test -s meta/schema.json -d data/arxiv-sample-cs.json
# Evaluate the total time taken to run queries on kibana dashboard
time -p bash


Topic development over time visualization using Arxiv data







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