- This library simplifies access to Windows Azure Active Directory from .NET applications.
- It is derived from original samples included in the Windows Azure Active Directory Preview. The original samples are more of proof of concepts and they were based on a static API (
) that wasn't thread safe. The paging implementation was akwards as well. We are cleaning that up. Also removed the dependency with AAL until it doesn't requires the c++ runtime dependency. - It includes integration tests with a dev tenant
- It provides a NuGet
Install the NuGet package
Install-Package Auth10.WindowsAzureActiveDirectory
Here are some sample usage. You can look at the tests as well.
// authenticate
var auth = new DirectoryGraphAuthentication(tenantId, symmetricKey, appPrincipalId);
var token = auth.GetAccessToken(); // you can cache this until token.ExpiresOn
// use it
graph = new DirectoryGraph(tenantId, token.AccessToken);
var user = graph.GetUser(new Guid("123...."));
// get all users (default page size 20 and can be changed from ctor)
string nextPageUrl;
graph.GetUsers(out nextPageUrl);
graph.GetUsers(nextPageUrl, out nextPageUrl);
graph.GetLinks(id, "DirectReports");
Import-Module MSOnline
Import-Module MSOnlineExtended
$symmetricKey = "FStnXT1QON84B............5onYtzJ91Gg/JH/Jxiw"
$appPrincipalId = "2829c758-2bef-....-a685-717089474509"
$sp = New-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalNames @("yourappname/some.host.com") -AppPrincipalId $appPrincipalId -DisplayName "yourappname" -Type Symmetric -Value $symmetricKey -Usage Verify -StartDate "1/1/2012" -EndDate "11/11/2014"
# assign permissions to that principal to query the graph (Service Support Administrator == read, Company Administrator == readwrite)
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleMemberType ServicePrincipal -RoleName "Service Support Administrator" -RoleMemberObjectId $sp.ObjectId