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Passport OAuth Server

The Passport-Server project is an OAuth 2.0 authentication server built with Laravel Passport and Laravel Filament, providing secure login and token management for client applications like Passport-Client.

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  • Laravel
  • Passport
  • Laravel Filament

Workflow Overview

  1. Login Button Click (Passport-Client):

    • User clicks the "Login as Passport-Server" button on the Passport-Client login page.
    • The client redirects the user to the Passport-Server's authorization endpoint, including a query string with the client ID, redirect URI, and scope.
  2. Authenticate on Passport-Server:

    • If the user is not already logged in on Passport-Server, they are prompted to log in (e.g., email and password form).
    • Once logged in, Passport-Server asks for user consent (if applicable) to share their profile with Passport-Client.
  3. Authorization Code Issued:

    • Upon successful login and consent, Passport-Server redirects the user back to the Passport-Client's redirect URI, along with an authorization code.
  4. Authorization Code Exchanged for Token:

    • Passport-Client sends the authorization code, along with its client ID and client secret, to Passport-Server's token endpoint.
    • If valid, Passport-Server responds with an access token (and optionally a refresh token).
  5. User Logged In:

    • Passport-Client uses the access token to fetch the user profile from Passport-Server's user info endpoint.
    • Passport-Client creates a session for the user, completing the login process.


On Passport-Server:

  • OAuth 2.0 authentication services for secure login.
  • A Posts section for users to write and manage their content.
  • A Dashboard to manage users, clients, and tokens.
  • Ability to revoke client tokens for enhanced security and control.

On Passport-Client:

  • Integration with Passport-Server for seamless user authentication.
  • A Products section for users to manage product listings.


  • Laravel Filament : Using Laravel Filament to provide an elegant admin interface for managing OAuth clients, users, and tokens.

On Passport-Server:

  • Authorization Endpoint: Validates the client, authenticates the user, and issues an authorization code.
  • Token Endpoint: Exchanges the authorization code for an access token.
  • User Info Endpoint: Provides user details when queried with a valid access token.

On Passport-Client:

  • Login Flow: Initiates the OAuth flow by redirecting to Passport-Server.
  • Callback Handling:
    • Processes the authorization code and retrieves the access token.
    • Uses the token to fetch user details and establish a session.


  1. Token Security: Ensuring the secure storage and handling of tokens on both server and client sides.
  2. OAuth Flow Complexity: Implementing and debugging the complete OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant flow.
  3. User Experience: Maintaining a seamless user experience during redirections between Passport-Client and Passport-Server.
  4. Token Revocation: Properly handling token revocation and ensuring affected sessions are invalidated.
  5. Admin Panel Customization: Adapting Laravel Filament for specialized management tasks like token monitoring and user actions.


For Server

  • run composer install
  • connect your database and run php artisan migrate
  • run php artisan passport:install
  • run php artisan passport:client, enter http://localhost:9001/callback for redirect uri and note id, secret for client server
  • run php artisan serve --port=9000
  • go to

For Client

  • run npm install
  • run vite build
  • run composer install
  • connect your database and run php artisan migrate
  • copy .env.example to .env
  • enter API_CLIENT_ID and API_CLIENT_SECRET to .env from noted above
  • add's address) to API_URL in .env
  • run php artisan serve --port=9001
  • go to http://localhost:9001
  • note that it should be localhost not for cookie conflicts

System Design


User ->> passport-client:  user clicks login as <br> passport-server

passport-client ->> User : to redirect passport-server <br>(/oauth/authorize)<br> with params

User ->> passport-server: (/oauth/authorize) with <br> client ID, redirect URI, <br> scope params.

passport-server ->> User: ask User to enter credentials <br> and permissions to give access scope

User ->> passport-server : User gives credentials

passport-server ->> passport-client: send back authorization code <br> to client using redirect-url <br> (/callback?code=...)

passport-client ->> passport-server: request access token with <br> client_id, client_secret, <br> grant_type, and authorization code

passport-server ->> passport-client: send back <br> access token and refresh token <br> if client_id, client_secret,<br> and authorization code valid

passport-client ->> passport-server: request user info with <br> access token

passport-server ->> passport-client: send back user info <br> if access token valid

passport-client ->> User : show logged in <br> user info


This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.


Simple passport server and client







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