This is a chrome extension which allows you to set any custom speed(s) for Udemy's video player.
To Install: Open/Install via Chrome Webstore, or clone the repo and load it unpacked.
You must clear the cache for the video player on first use. Either do a hard refresh from the video player page (CTRL + SHIFT + R), or go to your Chrome history (CTRL+H) > Clear browsing data > Clear "Cached images and files" (All Time).
This only supports the desktop video player (which shows the current speed on the bottom toolbar near the play button).
If you're curious how it works:
Udemy's Javascript file "course-taking-app.xxxxxxxxx.js" is intercepted and this line Object.freeze([.5,.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2])
is replaced with the users custom values. At the core it is very simple, most of this code is just for managing/injecting user options.