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=== Reusable Blocks Extended ===
Contributors: audrasjb, whodunitagency, larrach
Donate link:
Tags: Reusable, Blocks, Gutenberg, Widget, PHP Function, Preview, Shortcode, Réutilisable, bloc, pattern, generator
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.0
Stable tag: 0.9
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Extend Gutenberg Reusable Blocks feature with a complete admin panel, widgets, shortcodes and PHP functions.

== Description ==

Extend Gutenberg Reusable Blocks feature with a complete admin panel, widgets, shortcodes and PHP functions.

This plugin extends the Reusable Blocks admin interface and provides few fancy features:

* Add Reusable Blocks dashboard informations
* Activate Reusable Blocks admin screen
* Provide a list of Posts where each Reusable Block is used and the date it was last modified
* Provide a **live preview of your reusable blocks** from the Reusable Blocks admin screen, with your theme stylesheets
* Provide a Reusable Blocks Widget to use your block anywhere you want in your theme’s widgets areas
* Provide a Reusable Blocks Shortcode to use your block anywhere you want in your Post types (even if they use the Classic Editor rather than Gutenberg!)
* Provide some Reusable Blocks PHP functions to use your block anywhere you want in your theme even

* NEW: An easy tool to convert reusable blocks to block patterns in one click!

For a full presentation of Reusable Blocks Extended, see this [WordCamp Talk synthesis available on my blog](

== Screenshots ==
1. Extended Reusable Blocks admin screen with preview
2. Reusable block widget

== Installation ==

1. Install the plugin and activate.
2. Go to Reusable Blocks Admin Menu

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How to implement Reusable Blocks using Widgets =

* Go to WP-Admin > Appearance > Widgets.
* Add "Reusable Block" Widget to your widget area.
* Choose the reusable block you want to use and save the widget.

= How to implement Reusable Blocks with shortcode =

* Go to WP-Admin > Reusable Blocks.
* Choose the reusable block you want to use; copy the provided shortcode.
* Then, paste it where you want.

Syntax: `[reblex id="NUMERIC_ID_OF_THE_REUSABLE_BLOCK"]`

= How to implement Reusable Blocks with PHP functions =

* Go to WP-Admin > Reusable Blocks.
* Choose the reusable block you want to use; copy the provided PHP function.
* Then, paste it where you want.

`reblex_display_block( NUMERIC_ID_OF_THE_REUSABLE_BLOCK );`

Note for developers: you may also need to **get** the shortcode data **before** displaying it. In this case, you should use the following function:
`reblex_get_block( NUMERIC_ID_OF_THE_REUSABLE_BLOCK );`

== Changelog ==

= 0.9 =
* Props @chaton666 (Marie Comet) for a small fix.
* WP 6.0 compatibility.

= 0.8 =
* Performance enhancement on the `wp_block` list table. Props @grapplerulrich for spotting this.

= 0.7 =
* WP 5.8 compatibility.
* Replace "Reusable blocks" menu name with "Blocks".
* Small variable name and docs change.
* Various minor interface improvements.

= 0.6.2 =
* Removes a PHP notice.

= 0.6.1 =
* Fix an issue with polylang plugin (props @eddystile).

= 0.6 =
* Introduces the Block Pattern conversion tool for WP 5.5+.

= 0.5.1 =
* Fixes a bug with ACF Pro Blocks. Props [@mbcreation]( for raising the issue.

= 0.5 =
* Improvement of the preview feature, which is now displaying your reusable blocks in a modal window.

= 0.4 =
* Force block editor for wp_block post type even with Classic Editor plugin activated.
* Collapsible items improvements.

= 0.3 =
* Make block instances collapsible for a better preview. Props @alfredg.

= 0.2 =
* Use @import instead of link tag or enqueues in the preview iframe.

= 0.1 =
* Plugin initial commit. Works fine :)