Basic nodejs code for Cypress with allure reports (No useful tests, Just structure)
Make sure to have node installed using nvm from
Clone it and do as below to install it
- npm install
Once installation is done, Run one of the below to verify
- npx cypress open --env allure=true
- npx cypress run --env allure=true
This will create allure-results folder at top level. Those will be JSON files. Those need to be converted to HTML.
To see allure reports, install allure-commandline by below
- npm install -g allure-commandline
To see reports
- allure generate
- allure serve
A link will be generated and we need to open that.
To directly open the link, use below command instead of serve
- allure open
Packages (2023-04-06)
- Node.js v19.8.1
- cypress 12.9.0
- @shelex/cypress-allure-plugin 2.38.3