Link to Streamlit App with an integrated PyTorch LSTM model.
There is also a Jupyter Notebook that uses the self-updating ProgressPlot from JupyterPlot:
Uses a 2nd Order RC Model of the ECM in order to simulate voltage and soc behaviour of a lithium-ion cell
subjected to different current profiles.
$R_0$ is the internal resistance of the lithium-ion cell -
$R_i$ is the resistance of the resistor in the$i^{th}$ RC pair -
$C_i$ is the capacitance of the capacitor in the$i^{th}$ RC pair -
$\tau_i$ is the time constant of the$i^{th}$ resistor-capacitor (RC) pair -
$U_{i,k}$ is the polarization voltage, at time$t = k$ of the$i^{th}$ RC pair -
$V_k$ is the lithium-ion cell's voltage at time$t = k$ -
$I_k$ is the current flowing into or from the cell at time$t = k$ -
$\Delta t$ is the time interval between times$t = k+1$ and$t = k$