A text adventure based on Nordic mythology. Final declarative programming test
There are two ways to compile and run the project:
Execute the following command on the command line to compile:
$ ghc Loki-Text-Adventure.hs -o "bin/Loki Text Adventure.exe" -odir bin -hidir bin
The result of this command is an .exe file in the bin/
folder named LokiTextAdventure, which is the executable of the project.
To run the project enter the following command on the command line:
$ "./bin/Loki Text Adventure.exe"
To compile the project using the Make tool, enter the following command on the command line:
$ make compile
To run the project enter the following line:
$ make run
You can test your project in two ways using GHC (or another Haskell compiler) or using the Make tool.
Run the following commands
$ ghc Test.hs -o test / Test.exe -odir test -hidir test
$ ./test/Test.exe
Run the following command in the console
$ make test