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Barefoot Nomad

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Reviewed by Hound


Making company travel and accommodation easy and convenient.


Make company global travel and accommodation easy and convenient for the strong workforce of savvy members of staff, by leveraging the modern web.


Requirements and Installation steps

You need the following to be able to run the application

Node a runtime environment for JavaScript

Postman to test the Api endpoints

Visual studio code for editing and running the app

PostgreSQL for Database


A. Clone the project
  1. From your computer, open terminal
  2. Run git clone to clone the repository OR Download the project
B. Setting up the environment
  1. Create a file and name it .env in root directory
  2. Find a file named .env.example
  3. use .env.example as a blueprint for your .env
  4. Provide values to all environmental variables in .env file.

Run commands

Open terminal from your computer

  1. Run npm install to install all dependencies.

  2. Run CREATE DATABASE databasename; to create your database.

  3. Run npm run createTables to create your database tables.

  4. Run npm test to test automatically if the is functioning properly as expected

  5. Run npm start to run the app in development environment.

  6. copy URL to the browser for the API Documentation.

  7. copy URL to postman to start testing the endpoints.

API endpoints

- POST /auth/signup - Create user account

- POST /auth/login - Signing In a registered user

- POST /auth/login/google - Sign-in with Google

- POST /auth/login/facebook - Sign-in with Facebook

- POST /reset_pw/user -resetting password

- PATCH /password/reset/:id/:token - for new password

- PATCH /auth/logout - Logout a user

- PATCH /users/setUserRole - Set/update a user's role

- POST /trips/returnTrip - create a two-way trip request

- GET /trips/myRequest - view all my request history

- GET /user/profile - get user profile information

- PATCH /edit/user/profile - For editing user profile

- GET /trips/pendingApproval - view Avail Requests for Approval

- GET /remembered - For editing user profile

- PATCH /trips/reject/?requestId - view all my request history

- POST /trips/request/multicity - For requesting multiple destinations at once

- GET /trips/search?filterKey=your search -find Requests through the search functionality

- GET /notifications -For checking new notifications

- PATCH /notifications -For marking all notification as read - GET /trips/view/request/{id} for viewing single request

- GET /trips/edit/request/{id} for editing single request

- PATCH /trips/edit/:requestId - For a user to edit an open request.

- PATCH /trips/approve/:requestId - For a manager to approve a request and send notification to the user.

- GET /trips/request/:requestId - For a user to view specific trip request.

- GET /chat:requestId - For Viewing the past chats.

- GET /rooms/accommodations/:3 - For viewing available room in an accommodation.

- POST /book/accommodations - For booking an accommodation.

- GET /bookings - For viewing my bookings.

- GET /trips/stats/:date? - For a manager and a user to get statistics of the trips made.

- GET /accommodation/comment/:id? - For commenting on accommodation.

- GET /most/traveled - For viewing most travelled destinations.

- GET /accommodation/like/:id? - For liking accommodation.

- GET /accommodation/dislike/:id? - For disliking accommodation.

- GET /api/v1/users - For superAdmin to get all Users on the system

- /api/v1/users/:email - For superAdmin to get one User

Raising an issue

Click here to create an issue about this app



Ishimwe William

Maxime Kagorora

Eugene Munyampundu

Moise Rwibutso

Niyonsenga Eric


David Muhanguzi

Kagabo Faustin


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