This repository was archived by the owner on May 11, 2021. It is now read-only.
Releases: atk4/dsql
Releases · atk4/dsql
What’s Changed
- Update release builder (#297) @mvorisek
- Fix DBAL platform for MSSQL, DBAL issue 4360 (#296) @mvorisek
- Fix getDebugQuery with bool param (#295) @mvorisek
- Fix DBAL Connection to be GCed without an explicit call needed (#293) @mvorisek
- Strong type Expressionable (#290) @mvorisek
- Unimplement IteratorAggregate on Expression (#288) @mvorisek
- Improve PHPStan to level 5 (#287) @mvorisek
- Upgrade DBAL to >= 2.10 (#283) @mvorisek
- [fix] destroy connection on test teardown (#281) @georgehristov
- [update] add support for Query::orExpr()->having(...) (#282) @georgehristov
FC for NS case update II.
FC for NS case update
Fix versioning
Fix dependencies and versioning
What’s Changed
- Add smoke and burn CI testing (#255) @mvorisek
- Revert to official Docker image (#251) @mvorisek
- Reuse previous PDO connection for CI (for Oracle only) (#253) @mvorisek
- Fix exists test (#252) @georgehristov
- Add testing with Oracle DB (#243) @mvorisek
- Introduce connection specific exists query (#250) @georgehristov
- Fix MSSQL Expression::execute() for nested calls (#247) @georgehristov
- Remove bound values workaround for LOB datatype (#249) @mvorisek
- Add MSSQL support (#245) @mvorisek
- Fix tests for MSSQL (#246) @mvorisek
- Add return to to code for lastInsertId (#242) @mvorisek
- Simplify always/never true expr (#240) @mvorisek
- Fix "is null" for PostgresSQL (#238) @mvorisek
- Norm phpunit config and CS config (#235) @mvorisek
- [update] convert Expressionable value in Query::_sub_render_condition (#233) @georgehristov
- Refactor usages of call_user_func to direct calls (#230) @mvorisek
- Fix composer.json formatting (#229) @DarkSide666
What’s Changed
- Drop PHP 7.2 support (#222) @mvorisek
- Add testing with PHP 8.0 (#219) @mvorisek
- [refactor] introduce debug classes under new structure (#213) @georgehristov
- Expression::getDebugQuery() no longer accepts $html param (#216) @georgehristov
- Fix composer develop install issue (#228) @DarkSide666
- Update CS for PHP 7.3 (#227) @mvorisek
- Fix PSR class/trait/method naming (#226) @mvorisek
- Use refactored TestCase::callProtected() method (#225) @mvorisek
- Move safe "@return bool" phpdoc to code (#221) @mvorisek
- Remove "See our "Awesome Queries" gallery" from README (#224) @mvorisek
- Test with native MySQL 8.0 (#220) @mvorisek
- Rename classes - use NS instead of flat structure with "_" (#215) @georgehristov
- Revert removed doc (#217) @mvorisek
- Implement query->allowToWrapInParenthesis property (#212) @DarkSide666
- Small normalization changes (#194) @mvorisek
- Remove @throws by CS fixer (#211) @mvorisek
- Remove badly fixed phpdoc comment (#210) @mvorisek
- Delete (#209) @mvorisek
- Add Connection classes registry (instead of hardcoded list) (#218) @georgehristov
What’s Changed
- Refactor exception constructor calls to not use array (#206) @mvorisek
- fix comment (#205) @mvorisek
- Deduplicate value cast and add support for bool (#203) @mvorisek
- Run tests with bool column (#202) @mvorisek
- Feature/pgsql exception (#195) @DarkSide666
- Update CS - require strict types (#193) @mvorisek
- Prevent skipped tests due normally missing oci8 ext (#199) @mvorisek
- Upgrade phpunit (#188) @mvorisek
- Normalize Unit Testing workflow across repos (#190) @mvorisek
- Fix phpunit before full upgrade (#189) @mvorisek
- Remove vim comment (#187) @mvorisek
- Remove "zend.enable_gc=0", segfault fixed in PHP (#186) @mvorisek
- Refactor driver type (#185) @mvorisek
- Do not fail-fast PHP test matrix (#181) @mvorisek
- Use ::class instead of string class names (#179) @mvorisek
- Improve DSQL exception for SQL (#174) @mvorisek
What’s Changed
- Use null coalescing operator instead of isset (#177) @mvorisek
- Convert scalar class names to ::class (#175) @mvorisek
- WITH implementation (#171) @DarkSide666
- implements template tags
for soft escape (#170) @DarkSide666 - Feature/table name dots (#169) @DarkSide666
What’s Changed
- Feature/for data fix 496 (#165) @DarkSide666