The aim of this repository is to design a feature rich IM application which is aimed at Math/Science/IT people.
###Overview The focus of this project is to build an instant messaging application designed specifically for people in Math/Science/IT. Since this application will be connecting users together, a server will need to be coded for this (preferably in C or C++). The server implementation at its core will need to:
Securely connect users to the network with an authentification layer (only connect clients if they are users of this service).
Handle client requests (i.e. send message from 1 client to another client)
Store client requests for later use of the client (save conversations so clients can talk at a later date with their previous conversation there).
and more
The client side of the application should be written in Java or C# (preferably Java for easier portabiliy) and will soon thereafter support clients on mobile and web applications using other languages. For now though, the clients should be able to:
Securely connect to the server with as little hassle as possible.
Be able to connect to anyone in their "Friends list".
Be able to Instant message anyone of their peers or do group chats.
Be able to write maths equations and make it appear in the proper format.
Be able to have a shared REPL.
and more
The features listed above are the ones we are focusing on at the moment and will add further features to enhance the application.
###Platform Implementations Opinion [that means tell me if I am wrong please :)]:
Linux/MacOSX/Windows version first -> Java client will allow for easy porting
Android version second -> Java client again making it easier but not as easy as desktop
iOS version third -> Will require conversion of Java code to Obj-C code either by someone writing it straight or a conversion tool such as Google's J2ObjC