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Eugene Tan committed Aug 6, 2018
0 parents commit 41c3471
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246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/ArchAppliance.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
classdef ArchAppliance
%ArchAppliance Interface to the SLAC Archiver Appliance
% The Archiver Appliance (
% allows many operations via a REST-style HTTP interface.
% This class makes these operations simple from Matlab.
% aa = ArchAppliance(); % Create default instance
% data = aa.getData('mypv', '2013-10-14T08:00:00Z', '2013-10-15T08:00:00Z')
% The properties for this class may be set through an initialization
% file (pointed to by $ARCHAPPL_INIFILE), environment variables,
% and/or through arguments to the constructor.
% The order of precedence follows this order, so parameters set
% in the initialization file are overridden by individual
% environment variables, and environment variables are overridden
% by arguments to the constructor.
% The environment variables are:
% ARCHAPPL_INIFILE: path/filename to the initialization file. The
% file format is name=value, one per line, where the allowable names
% are the remaining environment variables.
% ARCHAPPL_HOSTNAME: DNS name (or ip address) of the server where
% an archiver appliance can be contacted. The data retrieval and
% management components must both be running on the host.
% ARCHAPPL_RETRIEVALPORT: Port number at which the retrieval
% component can be reached. Default = 17668.
% ARCHAPPL_MGMTPORT: Port number at which the management
% component can be reached. Default = 17665.
% ARCHAPPL_RETRIEVALPATH: Base path to the retrieval component.
% Default is "/retrieval/data/", and should not need to be changed.
% ARCHAPPL_MGMTPATH: Base path to the management component.
% Default is "/mgmt/bpl/", and should not need to be changed.
% See also getAAData
% Copyright (c) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
% The server name where the archiver appliance can be contacted
hostname = '';
% The port on which the retrieval engine runs
retrievalport = 17668;
% The URL base path for the retrieval component. This should never
% need to be changed.
retrievalpath = '/retrieval/data/';
% The URL base path for the management component. This should never
% need to be changed.
mgmtpath = '/mgmt/bpl/';
% The port on which the management component runs
mgmtport = 17665;


function AA = ArchAppliance(hostname, retrievalport, mgmtport, retrievalpath, mgmtpath)
%Constructor all arguments are optional
% If any arguments are specified, they will override the environment variables
% Arguments:
% hostname: string the appliance server name
% retrievalpath: string the base of the retrieval URL path
% mgmtpath: string the base of the management URL path
% retrievalport: integer the port of the retrieval component
% mgmtport: integer the port of the management component
AA = AA.initializeEnvironment();
if nargin >= 1
AA.hostname = hostname;
if nargin >= 2
AA.retrievalport = retrievalport;
if nargin >= 3
AA.mgmtport = mgmtport;
if nargin >= 4
AA.retrievalpath = retrievalpath;
if nargin >= 5
AA.mgmtpath = mgmtpath;

function dat = getData(AA, pvname, from, to)
%getData Retrieve data for a pv from the archiver appliance
%Retrieves data for pvname over the time period from:to
%pvname: the name of the pv
%from: the start date/time in ISO 8601 format
%to: the end date/time in ISO 8601 format
%Note on time format: Use YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.FFFZ. The
%timezone may replace Z, e.g. -08 for PST.
%Returns a 1x1 struct containing subelements header and data.
%These are each structs with the elements:
% header:
% source (e.g. "Archiver appliance")
% pvName
% from = startdate in UTC
% to = enddate in UTC
% data: (N = #samples retrieved)
% values = Nx1 double, or NxM double if pv is a waveform
% epochSeconds = Nx1 int64
% nanos = Nx1 int64
% isDST = Nx1 uint8

url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.retrievalport), ...
AA.retrievalpath, ...
urlwrite(url, 'AAtemp.mat', 'get', ...
{'pv', pvname, ...
'from', from, ...
'to', to});
dat = load('AAtemp.mat');

function lst = getPVs(AA, wildcard)
%getPVs Retrieve the list of pv names
%Retrieves a 1xN array of pv names, limited by an optional
% lst = AA.getPVs()
% Returns all pv names in the archiver appliance. Note
% that this can return millions of pvs.
% lst = AA.getPVs('cmm:*')
% Returns all pv names that start with "cmm:"
url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.mgmtport), ...
AA.mgmtpath, ...
if nargin == 1
str = urlread(url);
str = urlread(url, 'get', {'pv', wildcard});
% Giving up some flexibility by not using parse_json here
% because it is potentially very slow if lots of pvs are
% returned.
if str(1) == '['
str2 = str(3:length(str)-3);
lst = strsplit(str2, '","');
lst = [];

function stats = getPVStatus(AA, pvnames)
%getPVStatus Get the status of a PV
%Retrieves the archiving status of one or more pvs.
%param pvnames: the name(s)of the pv for which status
%is to be determined. If a pv is not being archived,
%the returned status will be "Not being archived."
%You can also pass in GLOB wildcards here and multiple
%PVs as vector.
url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.mgmtport), ...
AA.mgmtpath, ...
if isa(pvnames, 'char')
result = urlread(url, 'get', {'pv', pvnames});
result = urlread(url, 'post', ...
{'pv', strjoin(pvnames, ',')});
stats = parse_json(result);

function info = getPVTypeInfo(AA, pvname)
%getPVTypeInfo Get the type info for a given PV.
%In the archiver appliance terminology, the PVTypeInfo
%contains the various archiving parameters for a PV.
url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.mgmtport), ...
AA.mgmtpath, ...
result = urlread(url, 'get', {'pv', pvname});
info = parse_json(result);

function info = getNeverConnectedPVs(AA)
%getNeverConnectedPVs Get a list of PVs that have never
url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.mgmtport), ...
AA.mgmtpath, ...
result = urlread(url);
info = parse_json(result);

function info = getCurrentlyDisconnectedPVs(AA)
%getCurrentlyDisconnectedPVs Get a list of PVs that are
%currently disconnected.
url = strcat('http://', AA.hostname, ...
':', int2str(AA.mgmtport), ...
AA.mgmtpath, ...
result = urlread(url);
info = parse_json(result);

methods (Access = private)
function AA = initializeEnvironment(AA)
%initializeEnvironment Initializes AA from environment variables
%If ARCHAPPL_INIFILE is set, attempts to read settings from it first.
%Other environment variables will override settings from ARCHAPPL_INIFILE.
%If arguments are provided to the AA constructor, they will override
%all settings from environment variables.
path = getenv('ARCHAPPL_INIFILE');
if ~isempty(path)
fid = fopen(path, 'r');
if fid == -1
exc = MException('ArchAppliance:InvalidPath', ...
'ARCHAPPL_INIFILE env. variable points to a nonexistent path (%s)', path);
vars = textscan(fid, '%s %s', 'delimiter', '=', 'commentStyle', '#')
AA = AA.setFromEnv(vars{1}, vars{2});

function AA = setFromEnv(AA, name, value)
for i = 1:length(name)
n = char(name{i})
v = char(value{i})
AA.hostname = v;
AA.retrievalport = str2double(v);
AA.retrievalpath = v;
AA.mgmtport = str2double(v);
AA.mgmtpath = v;
warning('Unexpected environment variable name %s, skipping', n);


10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/Contents.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
% Files
% ArchAppliance - ArchAppliance Interface to the SLAC Archiver Appliance
% getAACurrentlyDisconnectedPVs - getAACurrentlyDisconnectedPVs Get a list of PVs that are
% getAAData - getAAData Retrieves data from the archiver appliance
% getAANeverConnectedPVs - getNeverConnectedPVs Get a list of PVs that have never
% getAAPVs - getAAPVs Retrieves pv names from the archiver appliance
% getAAPVStatus - getAAPVStatus Get the status of a PV
% getAAPVTypeInfo - getAAPVTypeInfo Get the type info for a given PV.
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/aaepoch2datenum.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
function aa = aaepoch2datenum(aa)

DateNumber1970 = 719529; %datenum('1-Jan-1970');

if isstruct(aa)
TimeZoneDiff = (double( - 8) / 24;

SecondsDateNum = double(;
nSecondsDateNum = double(; = SecondsDateNum + nSecondsDateNum + DateNumber1970 + TimeZoneDiff;

%datestr(aaDateNum(1), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF')
%datestr(aaDateNum(end), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF')


% This is what labca2datenum does. AA is already in local time.
% TimeZoneDiff = getfamilydata('TimeZone')
% DateNumber1970 = 719529; %datenum('1-Jan-1970');
% if isempty(TimeZoneDiff)
% % The problem with doing this is if the PV wasn't processed in the last .5 hours, it will be treated like a time zone change!!!
% t0 = clock;
% days = datenum(t0(1:3)) - DateNumber1970;
% t0_sec = 24*60*60*days + 60*60*t0(4) + 60*t0(5) + t0(6);
% TimeZoneDiff = round((t0_sec - real(DataTime(1,1)))/60/60);
% end
% DataTime = (real(DataTime)/60/60 + TimeZoneDiff)/24 + DateNumber1970 + imag(DataTime)/(1e9 * 60 * 60 * 24);
Binary file added applications/ArchiverAppliance/docs/5_Archive.ppt
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/getAACurrentlyDisconnectedPVs.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function info = getAACurrentlyDisconnectedPVs()
%currently disconnected.
% Copyright (c) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

aa = ArchAppliance();
info = aa.getCurrentlyDisconnectedPVs();


48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/getAAData.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
function [ output_args ] = getAAData( pvname, startdate, enddate )
%getAAData Retrieves data from the archiver appliance
% Archiver data are retrieved for a pv over a given
% time range.
% getAAData('mypv', '2008-01-01T00:00:00-08', '2008-12-31T23:59:59-08')
% Retrieves data for the pv "mypv" for all of 2008, in Pacific
% Standard Time
% @param pvname the pv name
% @param startdate a string representing the start date/time in ISO 8601
% format
% @param enddate a string representing the end date/time in ISO 8601
% format
% @output a 1x1 struct containing subelements header and data. These are
% each structs with the elements:
% header:
% source (e.g. "Archiver appliance")
% pvName
% from = startdate
% to = enddate
% data: (N = # samples)
% values = Nx1 double, or NxM double if pv is a waveform
% epochSeconds = Nx1 int64
% nanos = Nx1 int64
% isDST = Nx1 uint8
% Formats for startdate, enddate: The ISO 8601 format is
% YYYY-MM-DD = Year, month, date
% T = Delimiter between date and time (a literal "T")
% HH:MM:SS = Hour, minute, second
% .F = Fractional part of second
% Z = Optional timezone. If not specified, local time is used. If
% specified and "Z", UTC time is used. May also be specified as
% +/-HH, where HH is hours, e.g. -08 for Pacific Standard Time.
% Examples of valid date/time representations:
% 2000-07-04T00:00:00-07 July 4, 2000 midnight, PDT
% 2013-11-22T08:00:00Z Nov. 22, 2013 at 08:00 am UTC (=midnight PST)
% See also ArchAppliance.getData
% Copyright (c) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

aa = ArchAppliance();
output_args = aa.getData(pvname, startdate, enddate);


10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/getAANeverConnectedPVs.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [ output ] = getAANeverConnectedPVs()
%getAANeverConnectedPVs Get a list of PVs that have never
% Copyright (c) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

aa = ArchAppliance();
output = aa.getNeverConnectedPVs();


15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/getAAPVStatus.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
function [ output_args ] = getAAPVStatus( pvnames )
%getAAPVStatus Get the status of a PV
%Retrieves the archiving status of one or more pvs.
%param pvnames: the name(s)of the pv for which status
%is to be determined. If a pv is not being archived,
%the returned status will be "Not being archived."
%You can also pass in GLOB wildcards here and
%multiple PVs as vector.
% See also ArchAppliance.getPVStatus

aa = ArchAppliance();
output_args = aa.getPVStatus(pvnames);


10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions applications/ArchiverAppliance/getAAPVTypeInfo.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [ output ] = getAAPVTypeInfo( pvname )
%GETAAPVTYPEINFO Get the type info for a given PV.
%In the archiver appliance terminology, the PVTypeInfo
%contains the various archiving parameters for a PV.
% Copyright (c) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

aa = ArchAppliance();
output = aa.getPVTypeInfo(pvname);


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