SimpleDB is a tiny-database-manage-system for learning purpose.Note that this is just a toy for learning and is NOT a robust and full solution to Database.
I finish some features which different from the original version of SimpleDB.
Listed below:
File Manager & Log Manager:
- File manager separate the log read/write from the table read/write.By append mode of fstream, reading and writing logs will be more efficient.
Memory Manager:
- Bufferpool supports LRU algorithm to find a victim.
- The page table of bufferpool will help us find a buffer in the bufferpool only requires O1 time complexity.
- We only write a page to disk when it becomes a victim even if the pin_count of page is reduced to 0.
Transaction Manager:
- Support Wound-Wait deadlock prevent algorithm to resolve deadlock problems.
- But since I want to use row-level-locking, still doesn't solve the phantom reading problem, only support read-repeatable isolation level.
Recovery Manager:
- Crash recovery process will be more efficient by ARIES algorithm and Fuzzy Checkpoint
Record Manager:
- Tuple oritened structure will support varlen record and reduce space waste.
Metadata Manager:
- There are no additional features
Query Processing:
- support >=, <, >, <=, !=
- support some simple arithmetic op.
- support and, or.
- after parsing, we should verify correctness of SQL syntactic.
- ...
- SimpleDB support 3 Index data structures: static hash table, extendible hash table and b plus tree hash table.
- I have tried crab-concurrency-scheme in btree, but it doesn't seem to be efficient, and there are no new changes at the moment.
- Parser, planner and Verifyer
- Row level locking to replace Page level locking and implement serializable isolation level by row level locking.
- Aggregation Function
- Index update log record.