Releases: astronomy-commons/hats-import
Releases · astronomy-commons/hats-import
What's Changed
- Patch verification by @troyraen in #480
- Expand margin generation explanation. Use anon references. by @delucchi-cmu in #485
- Update RTD links by @OliviaLynn in #490
- LSSTC to LSST Discovery Alliance by @camposandro in #499
- Replace pandas IO in margin generation by @camposandro in #500
Full Changelog: v0.4.4...v0.4.5
What's Changed
- Drop support for python 3.9 by @delucchi-cmu in #455
- Perform extra tests against empty files. by @delucchi-cmu in #456
- Update to PPT 2.0.5 - fixes slack notifications by @delucchi-cmu in #457
- Documentation improvements by @delucchi-cmu in #462
- Avoid overwriting valid catalogs. by @gitosaurus in #464
- Add description for pypi by @delucchi-cmu in #467
- Use a naive sparse histogram. by @delucchi-cmu in #463
- Move existing catalog check. by @delucchi-cmu in #466
- Address slow list operations in progress tracking. by @delucchi-cmu in #468
- Add verification tests by @troyraen in #428
- Update code snippet in sdss.rst by @OliviaLynn in #475
- Suggested changes from science homework. by @delucchi-cmu in #476
- Add more detail about available HATS properties on import. by @delucchi-cmu in #474
- Add verbosity option, convenience pass/fail, and user documentation by @delucchi-cmu in #477
- Remove typing imports for List, Tuple, Union by @delucchi-cmu in #478
- Require newer hats version by @delucchi-cmu in #479
New Contributors
- @OliviaLynn made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.4
What's Changed
- Disable pylint import error. by @delucchi-cmu in #448
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #445
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #446
- Bump slackapi/slack-github-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #447
- Bump pre-commit-ci/lite-action from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0 by @dependabot in #426
- Update PTT to 2.0.4 by @delucchi-cmu in #450
- Remove benchmarking by @delucchi-cmu in #451
- Test on Windows OS. by @delucchi-cmu in #454
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3
What's Changed
- Helper documentation for hipscat conversion by @delucchi-cmu in #424
- Suppress pandas metadata on import. by @delucchi-cmu in #429
- Constrain Dask version by @camposandro in #430
- Remove extra testing for dask-on-ray. by @delucchi-cmu in #432
- Allow import of map types. by @delucchi-cmu in #437
- Remove margin fine filtering, and healpy dependency. by @delucchi-cmu in #442
- Force re-creation of margin catalog. by @delucchi-cmu in #443
- Require new hats by @delucchi-cmu in #444
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
What's Changed
- Bump pre-commit-ci/lite-action from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3 by @dependabot in #399
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 3 to 6 by @dependabot in #398
- Move sparse histogram to hipscat by @camposandro in #405
- Run conversion from main pipeline script. by @delucchi-cmu in #414
- Remove pandas metadata in hipscat conversion by @delucchi-cmu in #413
- Support reading a file to pyarrow table in catalog import by @delucchi-cmu in #415
- Merge development branch by @delucchi-cmu in #417
- Update copier by @delucchi-cmu in #416
- Keep track of expected number of margin rows written. by @delucchi-cmu in #418
- Fix calls to read_hats by @delucchi-cmu in #420
- Update dependencies by @delucchi-cmu in #421
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
What's Changed
- Add additional ps1 type files from STScI by @johnny-gossick in #372
- Add package version property by @camposandro in #371
- Support user-supplied run_stages on catalog import by @delucchi-cmu in #377
- Verify pandas read with compression kwarg. by @delucchi-cmu in #380
- Flag to include radec columns in index creation. by @delucchi-cmu in #378
- Bundle dependency requirements with release by @camposandro in #381
- Update LINCC logo with 2024 version by @nevencaplar in #383
- Remove temporary directory when all intermediate files are deleted by @camposandro in #382
- Benchmark and speed up to first stage of binning. by @delucchi-cmu in #385
- Replace FilePointer with universal pathlib by @delucchi-cmu in #387
- Hats renaming by @delucchi-cmu in #408
- Remove locally-created package before publishing. by @delucchi-cmu in #409
- Use virtual environment when creating requirements file by @delucchi-cmu in #410
- Use stable sorts when sorting by the index by @jeremykubica in #411
- Create virtual environment and ignore changes to requirements file. by @delucchi-cmu in #412
New Contributors
- @johnny-gossick made their first contribution in #372
- @nevencaplar made their first contribution in #383
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Add additional ps1 type files from STScI by @johnny-gossick in #372
- Add package version property by @camposandro in #371
- Support user-supplied run_stages on catalog import by @delucchi-cmu in #377
- Verify pandas read with compression kwarg. by @delucchi-cmu in #380
- Flag to include radec columns in index creation. by @delucchi-cmu in #378
- Bundle dependency requirements with release by @camposandro in #381
- Update LINCC logo with 2024 version by @nevencaplar in #383
- Remove temporary directory when all intermediate files are deleted by @camposandro in #382
- Benchmark and speed up to first stage of binning. by @delucchi-cmu in #385
- Replace FilePointer with universal pathlib by @delucchi-cmu in #387
- Hats renaming by @delucchi-cmu in #408
- Remove locally-created package before publishing. by @delucchi-cmu in #409
- Use virtual environment when creating requirements file by @delucchi-cmu in #410
New Contributors
- @johnny-gossick made their first contribution in #372
- @nevencaplar made their first contribution in #383
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6b0
What's Changed
- Bump actions/add-to-project from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #340
- Use list of names, instead of pandas index. by @delucchi-cmu in #343
- Enable python 3.12 in CI by @delucchi-cmu in #329
- Use hipscat for healpix dependency. by @delucchi-cmu in #346
- Check the total number of rows throughout the catalog import pipeline by @delucchi-cmu in #345
- Use consistent pandas file io method. by @delucchi-cmu in #349
- Read parquet files with arrow schema by @camposandro in #348
- Fix CSV reader from recent changes in hipscat library by @delucchi-cmu in #359
- Add schema to source data in SOAP pipeline by @camposandro in #360
- Provide
argument by @delucchi-cmu in #357 - Margin generation improvements. by @delucchi-cmu in #356
- Use total returned from write_parquet_metadata by @delucchi-cmu in #365
- Change default margin order by @hombit in #366
- Distinguish error message for empty list vs None. by @delucchi-cmu in #367
- Require recent hipscat by @delucchi-cmu in #368
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
What's Changed
- Update arguments.rst by @hombit in #326
- Pickle instead of scatter. by @delucchi-cmu in #328
- Update margin cache catalog info parameters by @camposandro in #332
- Use pathlib for pytest fixtures. by @delucchi-cmu in #333
- Enable "index file" reads for catalog import by @delucchi-cmu in #334
- Enable std tqdm bar, refactor for re-use. by @delucchi-cmu in #330
- Only specify the astropy table columns once. by @delucchi-cmu in #336
- Require recent hipscat by @delucchi-cmu in #337
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
What's Changed
- Assorted small doc fixes by @delucchi-cmu in #310
- User arguments to retain intermediate files by @delucchi-cmu in #311
- Apply
kwarg in parquet reader by @troyraen in #315 - Get all file_reader provenance info programmatically by @troyraen in #316
- Spruce up the way we check for original input files. by @delucchi-cmu in #314
- Fail fast on reduce stage failures. by @delucchi-cmu in #317
- Print file name for mapping/splitting failures. by @delucchi-cmu in #318
- Explicitly depend on scipy by @delucchi-cmu in #320
- Redact storage options, as this may include user keys. by @delucchi-cmu in #322
- Resume functionality for margin cache pipeline. by @delucchi-cmu in #321
- Tidy up some resume functionality by @delucchi-cmu in #324
- Use the original catalog schema in more reads/writes. by @delucchi-cmu in #325
- Use a subset of pixels when creating a margin cache. by @delucchi-cmu in #323
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3