This R script offers a selection of various R and Tidyverse programming techniques aimed at enhancing productivity and efficiency. Contents:
Keyboard Shortcuts in RStudio: A detailed guide to essential shortcuts for navigation, code editing, and execution to streamline workflows.
Tidyverse Functions: Practical demonstrations of powerful tools in dplyr, ggplot2, and tidyr, focusing on data manipulation, visualization, and tidy data principles.
Purrr Package: Advanced functional programming concepts, including mapping, list-column workflows, and nested data handling.
Coding Best Practices: Tips on code indentation, formatting, commenting, and modularity using tools like styler and custom functions.
Non-Standard Evaluation and Metaprogramming: Insights into tidy evaluation for dynamic programming and efficient variable handling.
Add-Ons and Extensions: Recommendations for useful RStudio add-ins like datapasta and esquisse for faster data handling and visualization creation.
The session is tailored to empower participants with practical skills for reproducible and elegant R programming, making it ideal for both beginners and seasoned users aiming to optimize their workflows.