Kick Satrter Implementation by Ethereum Blockchain, Removing the Loopholes that were present in Kickstarter and providing new transparent Platform for investors who want to support the startup projects by their funding.
- Truffle
- Ganache
- Next.js
- React
- JS
- Solidity
- Infura
- MetaMask
- Web3
- Node
> git clone
> cd kickStarter
> npm install
* to run locally
> npm run dev
* for cloud
> npm start
- deploy through ganache locally for getting .json
- deploy through script using deploy.js
- campaigns/[address] page: input ether styling in Contribute Form
- campaigns/[address] View Requests Btn
- campaigns/new Input Wei styling
- Refactor
- Cloud Deployment
- main branch commit conflict issue
Here is the list of packages and their purpose, used to build the app. Starter packages are not listed here.
- semantic-ui-react, semantic-ui-css
- ganache-cli
- next-routes
- next
- routes
- solc
- web3