Debian and Ubuntu have or did have a package called update-notifier-common
that did some stuff so
you could have this sort of thing in your message of the day etc.
28 packages can be updated.
16 updates are security updates.
This script aims to impliment some of the functionality of the /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check
without depending on python.
./apt-check.sh [OPTIONS]
Outputs upgrade information to stderr.
Flag | Option | Description |
-h |
Human Readable | set this option to get MOTD style output. |
-f |
Fussy | set this option to make the exit status more fussy. When set a non zero exit status is returned if any packages are avalible for upgrading, if unset a non zero exit status is returned if any packages have security upgades avalible. |
-q |
Quiet | hides the output if there are no packages to upgrade, respects the fussy option. |
-s |
Skip Update | Does not run apt-get update before testing, saves a few seconds if you are running apt-get update periodicly in some other context. |
-c |
Cleanup | Runs apt-get clean and cleanup /var/lib/apt/lists/* useful for saving diskspace in the context of building a docker image etc. |
curl -o /usr/local/bin/apt-check https://raw.githubusercontent.com/assemblyline/apt-check.sh/master/apt-check.sh && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/apt-check
The following exit values shall be returned:
No packages need to be upgraded
packages need to be upgraded
The automated test suite tests against:
- Ubuntu
14.04 LTS
- Trusty12.04 LTS
- Precise
- Debian
- unstablejessie
- testingwheezy
- stable
To run the test suite you will need ruby and docker.
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
The os images used in these tests can be found here. Note that as these need to be downloaded to run the tests that the first run may be quite slow and use up some diskspace.
Please open an issue or a pull request.