`ask [<OPTIONS>] [<QUESTION>]`
Prompt the user with an ostensibly yes-or-no QUESTION (all input is optional). Returns 0(true) for (y|yes), or 1(false) for (n|no). If no QUESTION is provided it will simply prompt for a '(Y/n)' response. Response is case-insensitive.
(*) OPTIONS must precede QUESTION if supplied. (*) Trailing args always comprise QUESTION (escapes are interpretted). -h,--help show this helpful usage information -y,--yes fail if answer is not (y|yes) -n,--no fail if answer is not (n|no) -l, repeatedly ask [<QUESTION>] until a desired response is given. --loop the desired response can be set using the (`-y`|`--yes`) and (`-n`|`--no`) flags, (default is (y|yes) ) -s, ask [<QUESTION>] again if a response --strict other than (y|yes) or (n|no) is given -p, write the user's response to STDOUT --prompt (deactivates all other options) (causes `ask` to function as a simple read prompt) (optional: ` --prompt=MESSAGE `)