FunSQL.jl allows you to build better queries than, say SQLAlchemy, but it doesn't provide an Object-Relational Mapping. This package does, so that you're able to write:
julia> let f(x) = x |> Join(:new => x |> Group(Get.gender_concept_id) |> Select(Agg.max(Get.year_of_birth), Get.gender_concept_id), Fun.and(Get.gender_concept_id .==, Get.year_of_birth .==
db[Person, f]
Which for each gender will pick the youngest people by year, and return Person
struct for each.
These structs are generated to be included in your code, so VSCode
can show the definition with fields when you hover over them. And JET.jl
can do type-checking, e.g. picking up the typo here:
db[Person[month_of_birth=[2, 4]]][1].year_if_birth
- Only supports Integer ids.
- Only supports SQLite.
- Errors with Transducers.jl
We start with the example DB that FunSQL provides:
using FunnyORM, SQLite
download("", "db.sqlite")
db = FunnyORM.DB{SQLite.DB}("db.sqlite")
First we need the object-relational mapping. It's easiest to generate it by specifying the db, object name, and table name.
FunnyORM.generate_file(db, :Person, tablename=:person)
After you run this, you VSCode should show you what Person is, and what fields it has, when you hover over it.
About defaults
If a field can be Missing
, the generated class will contain default missing
for it. For the rest no default is set, so you may wish to edit the generated file.
It will try to link to tablename, which by default is lowercase, pluralised model name.
using DataFrames
db[Person[month_of_birth=[2, 4], person_source_value="%F%", year_of_birth=1900:1930]]
If you know SQL a Vector is IN
, AbstractRange and Pair BETWEEN
and AbstractString to either LIKE
if it contains _ or $, or =
Also a named tuple in arguments is treated as an OR
, so in this case the following are equivalent:
Person[month_of_birth=[2, 4]]
Person[(month_of_birth=2, month_of_birth=4)]
Under the hood it's converted to SQL queries.
You can add a second argument to getindex
and it will pass your query into it.
using FunSQL: Order, Get
db[Person[month_of_birth=[2, 4]], Order(Get.year_of_birth)]
In the examples above we create a vector of objects and convert to DataFrame for printing.
To skip creation of objects you can replace ,
with |>
using FunSQL: Order, Get
db[Person[month_of_birth=[2, 4]] |> Order(Get.year_of_birth)] |> DataFrame
And be able to use FunSQL to further, e.g:
- only select a subset fields,
- join tables
- aggregate
You can also query by relations, though the column names simply need to match. contraint ... foreign key...
is not supported yet. Here's an example:
FunnyORM.generate_file(db, :Visit, tablename=:visit_occurrence)
db[Person[Visit[visit_end_date="" => "2008-04-13"]]]
This will give you people who had visits that ended before 13th Apr 2008 (inclusive).
For many-to-many relations you need to have an object for e.g. PersonVisit
in this case and do Person[PersonVisit[Visit[...]]]
Also if you already had a vis::Visit
then vis == db[vis]
so you can write Person[PersonVisit[vis]]
to get people that went on that visit.
# single insert - returns new Person
Person(db)(gender_concept_id=8532, month_of_birth=11)
# bulk insert - returns Vector{Person}
Person(db)([(gender_concept_id=8532, month_of_birth=11), (gender_concept_id=1111,)])
Here you can use a macro:
# grab the latest insert
example = db[Person[year_of_birth=1940]] |> first
@update db[example] day_of_birth = 10 month_of_birth = 3
example.day_of_birth == 10 # true
# Warning! It only updates the reference you call it with, i.e:
old = example
@update db[example] day_of_birth = 15
example.day_of_birth == 15, example.day_of_birth == 10 # both true
Or using db[model](kwargs)
updated = db[example](year_of_birth=1941)
example.year_of_birth == 1940, updated.year_of_birth == 1941 # both true
- db.sqlmap for relationships
- UUIDs, e.g. with PSQL
- get_sqls for dbs other than sqlite
- dates
- pagination