Ansible and serverspec for my ubuntu based dev server for Greenplum. It provides the basic packages needed to work on the Greenplum code as well as specific user preferences.
Should possibly be extended to other OS's later.
You should be able to run this from OS X. Requires or has been tested with:
* Vagrant 2.2.2
* ansible 2.7.5
* virtualbox 6.0
Once the machine is up and running, you should be able to connect via:
ssh <ipv4> -l <user> -A
Information regarding will be printed on the stdout via ansible, example:
"Access your user on"
Alternatively you can request the information from the remote via ansible, example:
ansible -i <path>/vagrant_ansible_inventory -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_all_*addresses' <box_name>
The initial Vagrantfile has been taken via:
vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64
And then slightly modified to mount shared folders set up and provision via ansible.
Use via:
vagrant up - to start your vm
vagrant halt - to halt
vagrant provision - to apply ansible changes if needed
When making changes to Vagrantfile, validate before applying them:
vagrant validate vagrant reload --provision
To add or update shared folders use:
in Vagrantfile
The /home directory on the host has been resized to 80Gb using a vagrant pluggin. If you don't require to resize you can remove the relevant line from the Vagrantfile. Otherwise you have to install vagrant-disksize.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
If changes are made, then reprovision
vagrant provision
Ansible has been split into:
- vmsetup:
Contains the packages that need to be installed
- develop:
Contains user info
You can add your user on roles/develop/defaults/main.yml
and then populate
with your desired files. Additional required
packages for your environment should be added in the develop
role main tasks.