Use Flyway( database schema migration tool with any Golang project.
This repo uses PostgreSQL but can be used for any SQL database that flyway supports
Read more about versioning SQL files
Add your .sql files in ./sql Use the samvar version in the filename example: V1.1__anyname.sql V1.2__secondfile.sql
You need a local installation of Golang and Docker.
Create .env from example.env
Run docker containers, this will create a local PostgreSQL (you can update docker-compose.yaml to use any database) docker container and another docker container will run flyway migration to Postgres. There is a container for PgAdmin(UI tool for Postgres) URL http://localhost:8080/browser/
docker-compose up -d
Check migration status docker logs flyway
If migration is successful then it's ready to work with Golang local installation.
Run migration after changes are made in the SQL file.
docker run --rm --network flyway-postgres-golang_flynet -v $PWD/sql:/flyway/sql flyway/flyway -url=jdbc:postgresql://$POSTGRES_HOST:$POSTGRES_PORT/$POSTGRES_DB -user=$POSTGRES_USER -password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD -connectRetries=60 migrate
Delete everything in the database and migrate fresh
docker run --rm --network flyway-postgres-golang_flynet -v $PWD/sql:/flyway/sql flyway/flyway -url=jdbc:postgresql://$POSTGRES_HOST:$POSTGRES_PORT/$POSTGRES_DB -user=$POSTGRES_USER -password=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD -connectRetries=60 clean migrate
For production, Use Dockerfile.
Set ENV var to production
in .env
In production database migration will be executed from Golang. Note that during CI/CD process database may not be accessible but once docker image is built and deploy to Kubernetes pods or any other environment database will be accessible for migration.
In ./flyway/flyway.go flyway migration-related functions are added. Migration is triggered from the main.go file. Docker image flyway/flyway:8-alpine will run Golang binary and database migration.
Create a .env file like example.env
docker build -t flywayk8 .
docker run flywayk8:latest
Install gonew if not installed already
go install
create a new project with gonew with your project name