node-crawler aims to be the best crawling/scraping package for Node.
It features:
- A clean, simple API
- server-side DOM & automatic jQuery insertion
- Configurable pool size and retries
- Priority of requests
- forceUTF8 mode to let node-crawler deal for you with charset detection and conversion
- A local cache
The argument for creating this package was made at ParisJS #2 in 2010 ( lightning talk slides )
Help & Forks welcomed!
$ npm install crawler
var Crawler = require("crawler").Crawler;
var c = new Crawler({
// This will be called for each crawled page
"callback":function(error,result,$) {
// $ is a jQuery instance scoped to the server-side DOM of the page
$("#content a:link").each(function(a) {
// Queue just one URL, with default callback
// Queue a list of URLs
// Queue URLs with custom callbacks & parameters
// The global callback won't be called
"callback":function(error,result) {
// Queue some HTML code directly without grabbing (mostly for tests)
"html":"<p>This is a <strong>test</strong></p>"
You can pass these options to the Crawler() constructor if you want them to be global or as items in the queue() calls if you want them to be specific to that item (overwriting global options)
This options list is a strict superset of mikeal's request options and will be directly passed to the request() method.
Basic request options:
- uri: String, the URL you want to crawl
- timeout : Number, in milliseconds (Default 60000)
- method, xxx: All mikeal's requests options are accepted
- callback(error, result, $): A request was completed
- onDrain(): There is no more queued requests
Pool options:
- maxConnections: Number, Size of the worker pool (Default 10),
- priorityRange: Number, Range of acceptable priorities starting from 0 (Default 10),
- priority: Number, Priority of this request (Default 5),
Retry options:
- retries: Number of retries if the request fails (Default 3),
- retryTimeout: Number of milliseconds to wait before retrying (Default 10000),
Server-side DOM options:
- jQuery: Boolean, if true creates a server-side DOM and adds jQuery (Default true)
- jQueryUrl: String, path to the jQuery file you want to insert (Defaults to bundled jquery-1.8.1.min.js)
Charset encoding:
- forceUTF8: Boolean, if true will try to detect the page charset and convert it to UTF8 if necessary. Never worry about encoding anymore! (Default false),
- cache: Boolean, if true stores requests in memory (Default false)
- skipDuplicates: Boolean, if true skips URIs that were already crawled, without even calling callback() (Default false)
$ npm install && npm test
Feel free to add more tests!
- Make Sizzle tests pass (jsdom bug?
- More crawling tests
- Document the API
- Get feedback on featureset for a 1.0 release (option for autofollowing links?)
- Check how we can support other mimetypes than HTML
- Option to wait for callback to finish before freeing the pool resource (via another callback like next())
- JSDOM replaced with Cheerio
- Updated code & dependencies for node 0.6/0.8, cleaned package.json
- Added a forceUTF8 mode
- Added real unit tests & travis-ci
- Added some docs!
- Added onDrain()
- Code refactor
- [BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE] Timeout parameters now in milliseconds (weren't documented)
- Updated dependencies, notably node 0.4.x
- Fixes jQuery being redownloaded at each page + include it in the tree
- Cache support
- Retries
- Updated priority support with new generic-pool>=1.0.4